Five Fantastic SB Fag Ends Ficlets from Drizzylydaze

Jan 15, 2015 17:37

2014's Edgar Allen Poe titles Halloween Challenge on sb_fag_ends resulted in a huge creative surge on the comm. Some really wonderful ficlets and drabbles were posted, and some didn't (IMO) get nearly as much feedback as they deserved.

No knowledge of Poe's work is required to appreciate them.

Here are five by drizzlydaze, and believe me it was really hard to pick ( Read more... )

char: illyria, form: ficlet, form: community, fandom: btvs, char: spike

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Comments 15

rbfvid January 15 2015, 18:42:09 UTC
It was terrific to see all that activity at fag ends, and I bet I missed a lot of great things. Thanks for highlighting them!


shapinglight January 15 2015, 22:33:40 UTC
I have plenty more to highlight. Hope you enjoy them when you read them.


petzipellepingo January 15 2015, 19:08:47 UTC
Yes, there was a lot of great posts during that challenge so it's good to see some love being shown. Thanks for posting.


shapinglight January 15 2015, 22:34:03 UTC
Not done yet. :)


quinara January 15 2015, 20:12:40 UTC
That Spike!Illyria series is just unforgettable. Well done Fag Ends!


shapinglight January 15 2015, 22:34:42 UTC
I agree. I thought it might have one more chapter. Maybe it will one day.

Though it could end the way it currently ends and still work perfectly well.


drizzlydaze January 16 2015, 02:53:28 UTC
I will probably continue it sometime, it was really fun to write.


shapinglight January 16 2015, 09:52:42 UTC
That's good news - though even if you don't, it's still a terrific little series of ficlets.


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shapinglight January 16 2015, 09:53:04 UTC
Well, hopefully my links will help. I'm going to do more posts today.


drizzlydaze January 16 2015, 02:52:34 UTC
Thanks for reccing me! I look forward to seeing the other lists.


shapinglight January 16 2015, 09:53:38 UTC
My pleasure. Really, I could have recced everything you and some other posters wrote for the challenge.


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