Five Final Fannish Things I Really Enjoyed in 2013

Jan 17, 2014 11:00

My last list, which I'm doing now because I may be away this weekend.

Five fannish things I really enjoyed in 2013, in no particular order.

First, some wonderful meta from lostboy_lj, The Monomythology of Buffy. Buffy on Campbell's 'classic' hero's journey, all explained in pretty pictures. Brilliant!

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cat: holiday, form: ficlet, form: essay, form: community, fandom: btvs, cat: humor, form: fic, pairing: angel/spike, pairing: buffy/spike, fandom: ats, cat: hurt/comfort

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Comments 8

petzipellepingo January 17 2014, 11:30:14 UTC
All good things and I'm glad to see a shout out to sb_fag_ends.


shapinglight January 17 2014, 12:11:35 UTC


snogged January 17 2014, 13:13:28 UTC
hello_spikey is a super fun writer!

Thanks for the recs.


kikimay January 17 2014, 14:11:04 UTC
So little time so much Buffyverse goodness to read! I hope to read everything! Interesting list.


slaymesoftly January 17 2014, 16:18:43 UTC
More good recs. And yay! for including sb_fag_ends . So much wonderful fic there.


red_satin_doll January 17 2014, 19:14:45 UTC
I love the "looseness" of this list: Five random things you enjoyed. What more reason do we need than that?

I was going to rec Lostboy's meta myself, but I have so many others to do this might be a blessing in disguise! He hasn't done as many meta 2013 as 2012 but that one is really helpful; I've been told to look at Joseph Campbell in relation to the series and Buffy's Hero arc, but honestly I've been too busy/lazy to do so and as much as I love (wordy) meta, Lostboy's is like a Cliff Notes version but much prettier.

And I just read bgf's "Mall Santa" the other day - too funny.


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