Five places to find good fics set in the world of BtVS.

Jan 08, 2013 11:35

I'm going to limit this to LJ or DW communities, and it will probably be pretty Spuffy-centric (because that's how I roll), but these communities and the mods who give up their time to keep them active, deserve attention.

sb_fag_ends = Don't know what I can say about this amazing place that I haven't said before, but if you don't read there, you are really ( Read more... )

form: ficlet, pairing: buffy/spike, form: community, fandom: btvs, char: spike, cat: episode-specific

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Comments 15

petzipellepingo January 8 2013, 17:00:54 UTC
Excellent choices! I'd also include the su_herald in that list.


slaymesoftly January 8 2013, 17:07:50 UTC
True - as well as your daily entries!


yourlibrarian January 8 2013, 18:11:27 UTC
Wonderful to see some communities recced, thanks!


baphrosia January 8 2013, 18:30:38 UTC
Oooh, I'd heard of the last two, but didn't know what they were. I would also include spuffy-recs, which is spuffy-centric as well, but will quickly guide you through the huge amount of fanfic out there to some of the best/favorite authors in the spuffy ship. I'm hoping the community becomes more active again.

And the ashtray and fagends have become my favorite places to hang out!


slaymesoftly January 8 2013, 21:05:18 UTC
*nods* there are actually a lot of spuffy-specific communities. I probably could have done another whole "5 recs" for the rest of them, but I'm too lazy. :)


velvetwhip January 8 2013, 19:08:36 UTC
fantas_magoria is fantabulous!



brutti_ma_buoni January 8 2013, 22:01:01 UTC
We thank you!


shapinglight January 8 2013, 19:29:03 UTC
Hey there. Thanks so much for all the kind things you said about Fag Ends and the Ashtray.

Much appreciated.


slaymesoftly January 9 2013, 00:15:48 UTC
You're welcome. You know how much I love it - in spite of being almost total fail when it comes to doing the prompts in a timely fashion


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