In March, Andy Hallett, the talented actor that portrayed Lorne on AtS, died at age 33. Here are some views of everybody’s favorite green demon with a throat (and heart) of gold:
Once More, With Lorne by
hello_spikey Lorne hears a rumor about a singing and dancing demon in Sunnydale, and goes to check it out. PG13
The Moment I Wake Up by
beer_good_foamy When Lorne first arrived on our shores, things were kinda confusing. PG13
In Memorium by
mere_ubu PG
A couple of holiday-themed works containing Mr. Green:
A Valentine’s Bouquet - of Gen Rare Character Drabbles! by
brutti_ma_buoni Seasonal musings from the single. PG13
Santa Lorne by
lil_coyote If you aren’t a member of
nekid_spike , you can see the image unlocked on
my journal. Contains a tad more of Lorne than you might be used to seeing, but still PG.
Andy/Lorne tribute link round-up on