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Comments 7

debris4spike January 12 2007, 16:46:17 UTC
Just love icons - thanks for that! Just wish that I could download and use them all!!


yourlibrarian January 12 2007, 17:27:31 UTC
Oh I know. You click on a set of fabulous icons and it becomes really clear how limiting even 100 spaces is!


laisserais January 12 2007, 17:42:38 UTC
fantastic list! i love scarymime's funny icons, but the rest are new. *goes to peek*


yourlibrarian January 12 2007, 17:47:36 UTC
Those are definitely nice sets even if you're not on the prowl for a funny one :>


spikereader January 12 2007, 18:48:02 UTC
So many icons, so little space. *sigh* Will have to wait to view those by scarymime until I switch to IE (Firefox has something against some LJs for me for some unexplained reason), but I loved the rest.

And as one of those screaming fangirls, I just have to love the earth-vexer icon best, obviously. *g*


yourlibrarian January 12 2007, 19:04:33 UTC
How odd -- I run Firefox too though luckily that hasn't happened to me. I wonder what causes it? Mind you I have a javascript blocker on it and sometimes a stuff doesn't show up on a site for me and I'm wondering if it's down when it's just me!

And heh, yes, the truth's got a lot of funny!


spikereader January 12 2007, 19:13:30 UTC
I wonder what causes it?

It's very perplexing - it happens with someone on my flist - I can never see any artwork she posts, but I've given up trying to fix it, as no matter what I do with the javascript or ad blocker they just won't show up.


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