What have you been thankful for?

Nov 24, 2005 11:53

Welcome to Buffyverse Top 5! We’d like to say hello and offer some suggestions.

Some basic info about the community is here. If you have questions we’d like you to post them in this entry so that this space can become a FAQ for the community.

When you're ready to post

(1) For your convenience the following header should work for most post content.

Item Title or Description:
Creator’s Name:
Rating: (Only needed if you're including Not Safe for Work image)
Link: (Or alternatively embed the link in the title)
Why I chose this: Optional, but it's good to give people details so they can see what they'd like!

(2) Your posts can be as long or short as you like. However if your post is longer than two paragraphs, using an lj-cut is mandatory. If you are reccing icons or other artwork it's fine to repost the work within your rec post but please also include a link to where that item is hosted by the creator. This makes it easier for people to comment to that person or follow their work. Lastly, do NOT hotlink the image. Artists get very cranky about this and we will too.

(3)Your Top 5 list should be posted in this community, not as a link to your journal. You can certainly crosspost your lists to both places though.

(4) Yes, Top 5 means 5 items only per list.

If you have a lot of recs (yay!) consider splitting them up into subcategories (i.e., Top 5 Funniest Icons, Top 5 Angel/Wes Icons, Top 5 Group Icons etc.) This is also helpful for people who are looking for very specific things.

On the other hand, if you’ve just got 5 items to rec, it’s perfectly ok to have a mix of stuff in your post. Themes are fun but you don't have to feel challenged to come up with one if you just have an assortment of incompatible recs!

Looking for ideas?

If you’re feeling a bit lost as to where to begin with your recs, here are some ideas:

(1) Look back at your own posts this year. Chances are you’ve already made recs at some point. It’s perfectly ok to recycle them here. If you haven't tagged your rec posts through the year though you may be able to find them by scanning your Archive by subject.

(2) Look back at your own comments. If you didn’t know, you can scan your past comments by entering http://www.livejournal.com/tools/recent_comments.bml#posted
This will only link to your last 50 comments, but if you’re new or usually in lurk mode and haven’t commented often, it can be useful to remember where you’ve been and what you said about something.

(3) Look at other community calendars We can only rec what we’ve actually seen and read, and chances are we came across a lot of that stuff through communities or newsletters on our flists.

(4) Check your memories or bookmarks LJ Memories that is. You may have added stuff this year, and probably for a good reason.

(5) Check the Wishlist Each year a Wishlist is posted for people to request gifts recs they'd like to see. See if you can bring some holiday cheer!

Maybe it's too late for you to do the above for the current session. But you can start saving stuff for next time by bookmarking things or putting them into a recs folder throughout the year. You can even use a Top 5 keyword as a reminder, or start your own bookmarks at places like Pinboard.

Got questions? Ask away!

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