Dlgood Title:
Vampires amidst the Community: The Role of the State in Dealing with Supernatural Threats to the Civilian Population Summary: Investigating the question of whether The Initiative was a logical answer to the Demon world, and whether the Buffyverse still needs such an organization even now? The response will consider the role of civic institutions in a world with a shadow supernatural element. This involves Analysis of the Initiative in specific, and roles of The State in general.
Spoilers: All episodes of BtVS and AtS, particularly BtVS S4 and S7.22 Chosen
Word count: 5,125
Notes: The term "The Slayer" can be used to describe both the slayer herself, and an organization developed upon pursuit of core mission areas.
Author Info: The Author holds a Master’s in Public Policy (International Relations Concentration), served for two years on his city’s Traffic & Transportation Planning board, and currently works in congressional/legislative affairs for the US Navy.