Worst Plot Lines in Whedonverse

Jan 20, 2012 16:59

We're going to be having a discussion on our podcast, Lets Talk Joss, about the worst plotlines in the Whedonverse. What plots made your go uhhhhhh in Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and Dollhouse?

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Comments 28

liliaeth January 21 2012, 05:14:03 UTC
the way Willow's storyline was handled. One of many reasons I can't stand the character, is because they took her organic storyline of slowly getting corrupted by her need to control and railroaded it with the magic=drugs storyline. Also the way they killed Tara to give Willow an excuse to go evil, instead of having Tara be the one to bring her back from the edge, which to me would have been a stronger storyline.


sl_podcast January 21 2012, 20:48:32 UTC
Agreed, Willow going dark was on my list to bring up. Even though I have a love/hate relationship with Joss' killing off characters (I think it's effective), the ride up to that point was lame and heavy handed.


liliaeth January 21 2012, 20:54:44 UTC
oh I agree that killing of a character can very effectively build up a plot, but, the problem with Tara's death, is twofold, the way she died was highly improbably and two, and more importantly, it was a cliché ( ... )


rpowell January 21 2012, 06:53:08 UTC
Evil Cordy and Illyria.


sueworld2003 January 21 2012, 11:26:28 UTC
Well for me If you're including the comics, well then I'd have to say season 8. Totally bonkers and incredibly poorly plotted.


sl_podcast January 21 2012, 20:49:15 UTC
I'm not, but agreed. Joss went to crazy with the idea he was in comic book world.


tbt93 January 21 2012, 14:08:37 UTC
NAgle having sex with Nina.I mean he could have sex with Nina but not Cordy why????


ms_scarletibis January 21 2012, 14:53:57 UTC
*I think they were trying to bring in more male viewership? Or maybe the logic behind it hadn't occurred to them before?

*That's why we didn't get s6 in the first place in spite of the spike (pun intended) in ratings--we were the wrong demographic...


you_speak_lies January 21 2012, 18:26:40 UTC
Didn't he and Wesley have a whole conversation about how being with Nina wouldn't cause him to experience perfect happiness?


sl_podcast January 21 2012, 20:44:08 UTC
I believe so. I appreciated the reminders that Angel isn't without his needs.. he's not some crazy hero eunuch.


ms_scarletibis January 21 2012, 14:51:42 UTC
I'd say Adam. S4 would've been so much better had Maggie been the villain, and not some patchwork demon.

And while I do hate what they did to my girl Cordy in s4, s4 also had some really kick ass moments with Faith and Angelus...S4 is like a beautiful car wreck. I somehow love it. Still, didn't think they'd kill the character/put her in a coma. Otoh, if they hadn't, there wouldn't have been Spike in s5 so...

I just think they could have/should have handled her character with more respect and dignity.

The First Evil in s7/potentials storyline.

Whatever the hell has happened in the comics...


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