Virtual Series & Spin Off Ideas!

Jul 03, 2011 22:22

If you could create your own spin off or virtual series about any Slayerverse character(s) from the First Slayer to Fray, what would your series be about? Why do you think that the character or group has some more adventures in them?

If you can't think of a spin off of your own, which fan or proposed spin off is your fave? Don't hesitate to post

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Comments 22

aaronlisa July 4 2011, 05:37:04 UTC
I always loved the idea that Faith was going to get her own series at the end of Buffy Season Seven. Clearly that didn't pan out. But I think that if I were to write a virtual series, it'd probably focus on Faith in some way.

I also love the idea of a Slayer academy where Giles and others have to teach the new Slayers how to be Slayers.


valyssia July 5 2011, 00:43:47 UTC
I have a stack of papers, bound with velobinding that is reported to be the first script from that series. It's sealed with an 'official' looking sticker. I haven't broken the seal yet to see what it actually is. It was passed off to me by a good friend who claims that the package made it into her hands via an eBay auction.

*shrugs and sighs*

Maybe one day I'll be that bored.


aaronlisa July 5 2011, 04:25:12 UTC
That would be cool....


valyssia July 5 2011, 04:28:31 UTC
I'll share if I ever get there.


ms_scarletibis July 4 2011, 06:34:16 UTC
I'd have been curious to see how a Faith spinoff would have gone.

I don't think a Spike spinoff would have worked. However, I certainly would have loved to have seen the movie. Le sigh. Or that Ripper movie/spin off that there was talk about...whatever happened to that?


fenderlove July 4 2011, 07:21:36 UTC
Oh, boy, I have so many ideas. Firstly, I would love to do a Quantum Leap-esque show, jumping from era to era getting peeks into the lives of different Slayers , not just the moments they were called or their final battles, but their most triumphant moments as well or just glimpses into their everyday lives, those moments where it doesn't matter that they have a short expiration date. It's too easy for the writers and the characters they've created to say that Buffy is "THE Slayer," that she's the only one who can do what she does, yet there are thousands of women who came before her to do what she does, and maybe some of them did it better. Their stories deserve to be told ( ... )


lita64 July 4 2011, 16:36:41 UTC
I would LOVE to see a series focusing on other Slayers throughout history.


aaronlisa July 5 2011, 04:26:08 UTC
I like the first idea, that would have been really interesting.


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cdaae July 4 2011, 12:35:42 UTC
I'd watch that. :)


staringiscaring July 4 2011, 14:53:41 UTC
I think that you chose a good group! I'd love that cast.


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ms_scarletibis July 4 2011, 15:32:01 UTC
Very intriguing!


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