What non-canon pairings do you like?

Jun 20, 2011 14:31

While the Angel/Buffy and Spike/Buffy camps have their charms and scooby pairings like Willow/Tara and Xander/Cordy are great, aren't there sometimes when you just wonder what would happen if two random characters like Lilah Morgan and Spike got together? I'm a multishipper so I love coming up with interesting pairings and trying to make them work ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

liliaeth June 20 2011, 22:49:11 UTC
Don't know if it counts, but I always had a liking for Cordelia/Gunn. I always felt it was a pity that they dropped the chance of it, before it even began.

Fred/Spike would have been fun too.


lynnenne June 21 2011, 00:37:43 UTC
I love Buffy/Gunn like burning. I even have an icon!


treadingthedark June 21 2011, 00:38:40 UTC
I only read fics with Spike in them, but I can enjoy him with almost everyone. On the TV show I always hoped that Gunn and Harmony would get together.


angelus2hot June 21 2011, 02:27:29 UTC
I'm a multishipper so I love a lot of different pairings. I can pretty much see any pairing together given the right circumstances. Like Buffy/Lindsey, Buffy/Dracula, Buffy/Gunn, Angel/Lilah, Angel/Fred, Giles/Lilah, Spike/Fred, Gunn/Harmony, Cordelia/Gunn, Cordelia/Doyle....etc. I'll stop there because the possibilities are endless!

For me, I think the great thing about being a multishipper is coming up with new and exciting pairings. Especially ones that you think there's no way in the world those two would work and yet... Like Xander/Illyria.


ladycallie June 21 2011, 03:05:13 UTC
Willow and Faith, but only after season six. Faith already was everything the show wanted Kennedy to be (and failed at) but with an established backstory and a personality that was enjoyable. At this point they have both turned from the darkness inside them, they've both killed someone, and they've both grown up considerably since the violence they unleashed. They both have to live with the consequences. I think they would be excellent together.

If the show had gone with them instead of pairing Willow with Kennedy I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed Season Seven instead of the burning hate I have for it.


danneeness June 21 2011, 07:38:32 UTC
Huh, that actually makes a lot of sense. And it's not like it would be out of character for Faith to be bisexual. I like it.


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