Fanged Four & the Order of Aurelius

May 15, 2011 18:50

Inspired by fantas_magoria Fanged Four week, I wondered what you thought about vampiric society and groups like the Order of Aurelius and gangs like the Fanged Four. Joss Whedon's worldbuilding is low on details for this point, but how do you think that vampires organized themselves? It seems like vampires weren't considered very high on the demon hierarchy so ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

spiletta42 May 16 2011, 02:05:48 UTC
It seems to me that Joss and Co. chose to organize them in a very human way -- they organized themselves according to any and all of the same things that cause humans to organize into societies and subcultures. For protection, for companionship, for power, for ambition, or just plain not bothering to organize much at all.


lynnenne May 16 2011, 10:27:02 UTC


hjordis May 16 2011, 02:31:41 UTC
I love the hierarchy of the Buffyverse vamps. I tend to dislike fiction where vampires are ruled in courts or strict systems of government- from the way vampires are described, they're too much of a force for chaotic evil to become aligned in this way. Who has the power and who dispenses it? It can sometimes feel a little hokey ( ... )


buffyangellvr23 May 16 2011, 02:47:50 UTC
I have to wonder, were some of the vamps just a little big in the ego department or was there just a case of more worldbuilding as Buffy and then Angel went on? I always notice the vamps in Welcome to the Hellmouth and Harvest calling themselves 'Old Ones' and saying something about the 'old ones' walking again. I don't think they meant the old demons, though, because of the demon feelings about vamps. Even Illyria said the Old Ones looked down on the 'half breeds'.

I do think that the legends got a bit distorted over time, hence Giles saying the Old Ones all left when a bunch of them were just resting in spirit inside the Deeper Well. And if there were vampires when Illyria ruled, the legends couldn't have been entirely true.


lilachigh May 16 2011, 13:20:45 UTC
From the beginning, I've always thought there was a vast vampire world we know nothing about, just going about their everyday lives, as best they can. When you think that Buffy is staking vampires every night, there must be many, many vamps who are doing the turning every day or so! I must admit i do like to think that they have their own rules and live just under the radar when they can. I wrote Business as Usual with this in mind! After all, Spike did say in The Replacement, that he was visiting a nice lady vamp who'd set up a teashop in the garbage dump! Canon!


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