Couples That Might Have Been

Apr 06, 2011 20:10

Did you think that the show was leading certain characters to a relationship and then changed course?

The pairing that I thought that the PTB would have put together are Cordy and Gunn (in the first couple of episodes of season two especially First Impressions).

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Comments 23

aaronlisa April 7 2011, 03:59:43 UTC
Intriguing question. I always though that the PTB would have eventually given us Joyce/Giles on a long term basis. And I always though they were heading towards Riley and WIllow instead of Riley and Buffy.


staringiscaring April 7 2011, 04:02:39 UTC
I thought the same about Willow and Riley. They had a good dynamic especially in the first few episodes that Riley appears.


aaronlisa April 7 2011, 04:16:51 UTC
And he just didn't seem interested in Buffy.


staringiscaring April 7 2011, 04:20:45 UTC
Yeah, the Buffy writers really seemed to write that relationship and him as simply a rebound boyfriend for Buffy.


ladycallie April 7 2011, 05:24:09 UTC
Willow and Fred. The flirting and the geeking and the babble! If only the characters could have crossed shows!


staringiscaring April 8 2011, 22:34:47 UTC
I know! That would have been so cool .


zanthinegirl April 7 2011, 08:43:19 UTC
Joyce/Giles. It would really have made a ton of sense.

Angel/Faith, though I think I may be the only one to see that!

I agree re: Willow/Riley


(The comment has been removed)

staringiscaring April 8 2011, 22:31:42 UTC
Hmmm, I didn't know that! I wonder what would have happened with Xander as the gay Scooby?


frelling_tralk April 7 2011, 09:50:24 UTC
I always thought that First Impressions was very Gunn/Cordy shippy too, and it was a shame they didn't follow through on that. I know the actor was later saying something about if he knows too much about future plans he tends to overplay the hints (which caused the writers to change their minds about going there), so now he prefers not to know too much of upcoming plans for his character

I suspected that comment was to do with the planned Gunn/Cordy romance being dropped, but I think it's stupid if that's the case. The point of establishing a ship is for the actors to drop hints of interest, so I didn't see that the actor was doing anything wrong personally. Sorry, can't think of his name at the moment!


a2zmom April 8 2011, 00:05:33 UTC
I agree.

I thinkk Gunn/Cordy would have been a lot more fun that what they actually did.

I know there was speculation that the network wanted Angel/Cordy but I have no idea if that's actually true.


staringiscaring April 8 2011, 22:34:11 UTC
Gunn and Cordy would have been awesome.


staringiscaring April 8 2011, 22:33:28 UTC
J. August Richards. He has been typecast as a lawyer on TV in most of his appearances but he does a lot of theater in NYC.

I would have thought that's what you should do as a series actor. Hmmm, sounds like he was just doing his job.


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