Anywhere But Here (Challenge)

Mar 15, 2010 09:43

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters belong to Joss Whedon. Song lyrics belong to Safetysuit.
Title: Anywhere But Here
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Buffy, Faith
Emotion: Calm
Rating PG-13
Spoilers: Set after Season 3's 'Graduation Day'.
Summary: Buffy and Faith share another coma-dream.

Cause you are beautiful inside.
So lovely, and I can't see how I'd do anything without you.
And when I'm not with you, I know it's true:
I'd rather be anywhere than here without you.
- "Anywhere But Here" by Safetysuit

Part of Faith knew that it wasn't real. That she wasn't actually kneeling in the grass, tending to a garden with the one woman who had become the center of her world, both real and fictional. She knew it wasn't real because there's no fucking way she'd be tending to a garden. That shit was for people like... Well, like Buffy.

But the atmosphere was so bright and peaceful that she couldn't help but savor it. The skies were blue and clear, the colors were absolutely brilliant, it was warm and sunny, and Buffy was happily pulling weeds next to her. How could she not enjoy it a little?

"Can you hand me that pot?" Buffy asked. The brunette handed it to her and watched as the older woman prepared a hole for it. Some darker part of her subconscious whispered grave, but she ignored it. This was Buffy-time, and she never took it for granted. She studied Buffy's hands, fascinated that they somewhow managed to remain fairly clean. Faith's hands were covered in dirt. Buffy saw her studying her nimble fingers and smirked. "Dirty girl," she admonished playfully. Faith grinned cheekily. "Most definitely, but you're the one who likes to roll in it," she teased, winking. Buffy blushed crimson and murmured "shut up" before returning back to her task.

Faith wanted to ask if Buffy wanted to get her back dirty too, but decided against it. Flirting with Buffy was fun, but it usually ruined their moments. Something in the older slayer was terrified of Faith's affection, and when faced with it, the dream ended or shifted to something ugly. So instead, she looked at the plant Buffy was handling with such tender care. "What is that?" she asked. She committed the small smile Buffy offered to her memory as she answered, "morning glory." Buffy turned to look at her, and Faith felt her breath catch in her throat. The way the sun caught her hair and the way those emerald eyes sparkled, she thought to herself that she'd never loved Buffy more than she had in that moment.

"They open with the dawn. To catch the sunlight," Buffy explained. She placed the plant in the hole and covered the roots with dirt. "Gotta make sure the roots go deep enough. If you don't make sure it's secure, it won't last." Something in Faith resonated with that, but she didn't understand why. Buffy patted the dirt down, smoothing it. "Make sure to give it lots of love every day," she reminded the brunette. Faith laughed at that. "You do know it's a plant, B, right?" The blonde pouted and smacked Faith's arm. "I know that, dummy. But plants can understand us. And they grow better with love." Faith bit her lip to keep from laughing again. "Plants don't speak english, babe. They don't talk at all."

"Love doesn't have a language," Buffy argued. Something about that made Faith go quiet, and the laughter died in her throat. "I guess you're right," she said, and her tone was somber. She wondered if Buffy could be like that plant and feel the love she was sending her way. Maybe she did, because for a moment, Buffy looked at her. She really looked at her, and saw her. Faith could feel it in her bones. And she held her breath as Buffy lifted a hand and cupped Faith's cheek as gently as she had with the morning glory. Though neither slayer spoke, she could feel Buffy asking her, when will you open up? Faith lifted her hand to hold Buffy's against her face. She never wanted to lose the feeling of her touch. So soothing and soft.

"I'm getting dirt on you," Buffy realized and started to pull her hand away. Faith held it in place, unable to let her go. "Already dirty," she said with a shrug and a small, sad smile. Something in Buffy shifted, and after a moment Faith's cheek felt cold with her hand gone. "I--I have to... With little sister coming..." the blonde stammered lamely. Faith didn't hold it against her. She knew she'd put her foot in her mouth. "See you soon?" she asked. Buffy smiled warmly and stood up, brushing her hands off on her pants. "Always," she said, and then she was gone. She simply faded.

Faith turned her attention back to the morning glory, watching in fascination as it unfolded to catch the light.
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