Title: The Words We Could Never Say
cuzimastripperFandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Pairing(s): Buffy/Faith
Word Length Thus Far: 5,229 words
Timeline: Post "Chosen", though has nothing to do with the season 8 comics.
Summary: There was a lot of emotions Faith thought she would see from Buffy, but jealousy was never one of them.
A/N: This is a remake of the story
She's Mine that I wrote when I was 17. Seriously, read at your own risk, but for the love of god read this first. Ha. I cringed when I read it. Man... my writing then... but, anyway. I thought it would be fun to do, remake something from almost six years ago. It'll probably be a bit longer than that was. Alright, yeah, it will be. But that's cause nothing flowed well in that one. For. Real. I'll probably change some things up too. Hell, already am.
Chapter Two )