New Vid - Battlestar Galactica - Headlights

Jul 27, 2007 00:16

It's done. Finally. I thought I would never finish this one with the source on a external hard drive that made impossible to have a preview sometimes... but whatever, it's done and out of my hands now. I hope you'll enjoy it :)

Description : This is an attempt at showing Starbuck's struggle through life and through her "destiny" path. It focus mainly on season 3 (spoiler for season 3 as a result).
Song: Headlights by Archive

Download (zipped-wmv)
Length : 3min34

Zipped avi (720x544) - 74Mo (Best quality)
Zipped wmv (640x480) (45 Mo)
Streaming (Imeem)

Audio Commentary
As part of the whole "if you have questions on my vid process" meme, I did this commentary :)
Audio Commentary  (43 Mo)

They're telling me it won't be long
The door is shut
The suits are on
Too bright to be day
To hurt anyway
Still there's no view
No green, no blue

The headlights above
They don't know love
You smile to please
I try to care

You break my heart
you break my heart

I love you here
I love you here

I loved the "space" sound of the song and its "gliding"/floating feeling, almost like being high lol. so I really tried to use that the more I could to portray the character being haunted and lost and confused. One of the other interwined theme to me is starbuck's refusal to be happy and her reject of others. How everything seems painful for her and how she'strying to make sense of her life in the middle of all this.

I began vidding this one trying to do something different than what I did before. Like I talked about during my LJ complains, I took a different approach and I feel it has a different
result, though it'd be impossible to explain exactly how with words. Changing fandom and having something like BSG as a source probably played a big part in this. It inspires you differently. The source is incredible.

Editing wise, I played a lot with internat motion to give a swaying feeling and I played a lot with intercutting too. It felt like the road to take to enhance the feeling of life going faster than the character can process. I also add fun creating this circle pattern in the intro, cause the music was so interesting there.

I had a lot of problem with the ending. Mainly because I didn't want it to be about a shipping stupid thing just because of the lyrics. I didn't planned on having Lee in the
vid at all at first but he kinda swooped in there anyway. I still hope that ending works. *cross fingers*

Comments are love. :)

new vid, bsg

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