New Vid : QAF - When the sun goes down (club style vid)

Nov 24, 2007 18:11

(a.k.a. hot boys dancing and making out)

Description : Brian/Justin. Dancin' and Lovin'. The clubbing life. A light look at the relationship.
Though the video features shots from all season, it mostly adress the season 3 spirit of the relationship.

Warning: PG-Something (you tell me) : lots of making out and scenes of sexual/sensual nature. if you're inconfortable with guys kissing each other, just skip this one :)

Zipped-Avi (768x464) - 67 Mo
Smaller version - Zipped-Wmv (22 Mo)
Streaming (Imeem)


I feel like I wanna be inside you,
when the sun goes down
As long as I'm gonna be around you
when the sun goes down yeah

all my heart,
taking in back the blue.
I'm falling into my own senses.

another night, another day
It's better this way
Let the music play.

I feel like I wanna be inside you,
when the sun goes down
As long as i'm gonna be around you
when the sun goes down yeah

Why did I make this vid ?
One of the first motivation for this vid, and the official one, is that after watching the awesomeness that were the Club Vivid videos this summer, It totally inspired me to do something fun and entertaining. I started with a project that I ultimately dropped for lack of inspiration. And began with this one when, thanks to wonderful
obsessive24, I fell in love with Queer As Folk. The source  was really inspiring, vidding-wise, providing lots of interesting and pretty shots and lots of party/dancing material which convinced me that I could do something fun with it.

The other reason is that I was scared, after "Headlights", that was so astonishingly well-received, to not be able to do anything remotely as good. The Heroes project I started working on just after had too many similarities to not suffer the comparaison. I felt the pressure of doing the "vid after Headlights" that would ultimately be disapointing... I'm new in the vidding world and I'm a highly insecure stupid girl and so doing something mindless and fun provided an escape for me, and was reinvigorating. No high expectations. Just pleasure of vidding something totally different.

So I switched to this one so here we go. fun, fun, fun. mindless fun. :)

This vid was more of a vidding exercice and fun experience than anything else. I always loved techno and club/dance music but I never really thought of vidding with it 'cause I was focusing on serious and angst and all that jazz. But like I said, CVV made me realise I could totally vid this ! or at least try.
Even if this vid is all about "fun, fun, fun", I still wanted to remain true to the characters. Because I just love them. ^^
The club life (and by extention, the never-ending sex) has always been a big part of who they were and it's a kind of their "shelter". and they're all confy in that world, just dancing and being together and having tons of sex. :)

The editing process was quite interesting as it was really a first experience in doing something so "fast-paced". The concept of making the vid flowy takes a whole new dimension when you're changing clips so often  (0_0). but definitely was fun and a learning experience to try to figure it. Also fun to basically work with no narrative, but just conceiving the vid like a dance, with its high and lows and building a rythmn etc. Don't know if that makes sense. I wanted the vid to feel like an ensemble, almost like you're watching a single scene narrating one night.
Most of the effects and prettiness are from the source. A part of the editing process was to try to mimic the source's speed and camera work effects, or at least integrate them with "normal" shots in a way it wouldn't be so noticable. Consistency is something I really am always thinking about.

The vid also celebrates my first use of AviSynth and all that stuff. I have to say I probably spend more time figuring out all the tech than actually vidding. It was a pain in the ass, like the 8 hours I spent watching my computer trying to render without crashing or fucking the export last night, but I sure hope the investement will pay in the future. And well, it's the price to pay if you want a good quality vid. I think I figured out the enough of it but post production is still a bit blurry and forgive me if the footage isn't as clear as I hope it'd be. I don't know if it's the mix of PAL/NTSC footage, I've tried a few things but ended up removing all filters and leaving it as it is. I think I was afraid my head was gonna explode...
That's a lot of talk for a mindless vid...
I hope you enjoy it. Feedbacks are love. :D

new vid, queer as folk

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