wanna bite?

Mar 06, 2007 12:03

Welcome to Facets of Blood--where there is, in fact, plenty of blood--though blood isn't the only thing spilt.

It's the present year and technology as always, is on the rise. But technology isn't the only thing rising at an incredible rate.

Sunnydale, California, home to a fairly large Hellmouth* has become swamped with more than the usual mess of vampires and demons--there's a new werecreature population that only adds to the local Slayers' problems.

The Slayers aren't the only ones with problems, however, for the sudden influx of supernatural beings in Sunnydale has caused quite a stir, effecting creatures all around the globe. The Hellmouth's power to attract beings of a non-natural nature has always been strong, but never so strong as to effect so many.

The reasons for the Hellmouth's energy boost are as yet unknown, but what is known is this: either the mortals and immortals find a way to create a balance, or destroy one another in the process.

This game takes place around Season 5 of BTVS, Season 2 of Angel. We’re lenient with what part of those seasons. Hell, we’re lenient all around.

*A Hellmouth is an area of increased supernatural energy.

1. Original, non-canon characters will be accepted by the moderators at a rate of one per month. This is not negotiable; with so many different universes colliding, we need to keep track. Email us with your request, or, if you are already a player, make a separate post with “new original character” in the subject line.

2. All vampires, werewolves, demons, etc., follow the rules of their creator. *see next column for more information*

3. You may play three characters at a time. That means less than four. Three shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three.

4. To request a canon character, please email the mods and fill out the application below. In your email, please put “Facets” and the name of the character you’re applying for in the subject line.

5. If you are bringing an original vampire character into the game, please ASK before writing that they are so-and-so’s fledgeling. Contact the player of the character you’d like to have sired your character. If you do not do this, we reserve the right to boot your character from the game.

6. Each character must post or reply to a post a minimum of once per week. If you cannot do this for a period of time, contact the mods and we’ll figure out a way to work that into the plot. Of course, we’d love you to post more often; the more you post, the faster the game moves!

7. You must interact with other characters--whether it's on the boards(where the formal role-playing will occur) or between journals. And we don't mean just one or two constantly, try to interact with more than that, this game is host to a variety of characters for a reason!

8. Moderator decisions are final. Don’t ask us to change them; chances are, if we’ve decided something, it could negatively impact the game for us to change our minds.

9. We want your input! This game is yours as much as it is ours. If you have an idea, let us know.

10. If you’re playing a canon character, and we feel you’re getting away from their true nature, we’re going to tell you. Please don’t take it personally-it happens from time to time. We’ll help you get back on track. We’re good like that.

11. You must be at least 15 years old to play. This game WILL contain slash (and probably porn). We’re not going to be responsible for warping really, really young minds.

12. Have fun!

Facets is a combination of ‘verses, including creatures like vampires, demons, slayers, werecreatures, and others. Please remember that this is only a rough summary of each ‘verse, and somtimes its good to pick up a book ;)

Anne Rice vampires cannot be killed by a stake. They can only be killed by fire and sunlight. They also cannot have sex, and they do not eat. They must rest, at least, during the day. Really ancient vampires, like The First Brood, are most likely unkillable and may be able to walk around during the day.

Laurell K. Hamilton vampires can be killed--they have to be staked(as in the heart being removed), beheaded, and burnt to ashes. High-caliber guns will work just as well as stakes, though the bullets must be silver(as well as the stake). Holy objects hurt them when wielded by someone who believes.

They have animals to call (ie, Jean-Claude's animal is the wolf), can have human servants, and tend to be specific types of vamps. (ie, Jean-Claude and Belle Morte’s line are incubi/succubi). These vamps can (and DO) have sex. Do your research. There are also Master Vampires for specific cities--these have more power and mojo than regular vamps.

Hamilton werewolves and wereanimals are part of clans. Each clan has specific traits. There are pretty much were-everything: Hamilton has werewolves, wereleopards, wererats, and even a wereswan. Again, do your homework.

Underworld vampires and werewolves are also clan/coven specific. Werewolves are extremely susceptible to silver, while a vampire's weakness is sunlight; vampires are unaffected by crosses, holy water, holy wafers, garlic, etc. Vampires can be effectively killed by beheading and/or staking through the heart or any major organ (though bullets are just as effective). Werewolves are fairly weak in human form, but once transformed, they are nearly unstoppable and uncontrollable beasts; younger, fresh lycans are at the mercy of the moon, while older, more experienced lycans can control the change to the point that they can change when there is no moon.

Note: This game does not have a Selene. Do not ask to be Selene. We can’t hear you. It is the prerogative of the mods to remove canon characters that are not plot specific. However, you CAN create a new character will all of her traits. Just ask us.

Jossverse vampires can be killed by a stake, but if you are playing a slayer, ASK first. Ask the mods, AND the player of the vamp you want to take out. Just don’t be staking people right and left. We’d like to keep our main characters. Also, they can be killed by sunlight and fire (unless they happen to have found the Gem of Amara). These vampires, with the exception of Angel, also do not have souls.

Note: There are two canon slayers, that’s it, and Spike has not yet gone on his redemptive quest. Hell, he may not go at all. If you are considering an Angel character, or a late- BTVS series character, just run the specs by the mods. We’ll most likely allow it as long as you can explain it well.


Asher: burntsoul (Laurell K. Hamilton)
Charlie Madeleine Fairica: ante_mortem (Original; Laurell K. Hamilton)
David Talbot: scholardavid (The Vampire Chronicles)
Eleni: _eleni_(The Vampire Chronicles)
Harmony Kendall: _harm_kendall (Joss Whedon)
Jesse Reeves: talamascan_vamp(The Vampire Chronicles)
Lusa and Luna von Bern: 2fold (Underworld)
Phaedra Romani: _phaedra_ (The Vampire Chronicles)
Spike: _spike (Joss Whedon)

Anita Blake: st_louis_slayer (Laurell K. Hamilton)
Buffy Summers: _buffysummers (Joss Whedon)
Lindsey McDonald: olefashionedboy (Joss Whedon)

Saerian: sssaerian (Original; )
Illyria: am_a_god (Joss Whedon)

Meredith Gentry: sidhe_red (Laurell K. Hamilton)

Cardoc Wallace: bad_puppy (Original; Laurell K. Hamilton)

Narcissus: venusinferred (Laurell K. Hamilton)


Basically anything you don't see in that list - loads of vamps and other things that go bump in the night from Rice, Hamilton, Buffy, and Underworld. We are especially looking for weres, humans, and Ricean or Whedon vampires.

Here’s a partial list of desired characters-those that are bolded are especially needed:
Buffy/Angel: Giles, Angel, Willow, Oz, Tara, Dawn, Lorne, Gunn, Wesley, Lilah, Ethan Rayne, Riley, Glory/Ben, The Evil Trio
Laurell K. Hamilton: Richard, Jean-Claude, Edward, Micah, Rafael
The Vampire Chronicles: Lestat, Louis, Marius, Gabrielle, Pandora, Daniel, Maharet*

*some characters, especially those that fall into the bad guy category, are currently being npc-ed. That will not stop mods from allowing you to make those characters your own.

Original characters, please see this rule:

Original, non-canon characters will be accepted by the moderators at a rate of one per month. This is not negotiable; with so many different universes colliding, we need to keep track. Email us with your request, or, if you are already a player, make a separate post with “new original character” in the subject line.

Fill out .
Your name:
Your email address:
Your aim or yahoo sn:
Character Name:
Birth Place:
Category (Original or cannon? Joss Whedon, Anne Rice, Laurell K. Hamilton, Underworld?):
Sexual Orientation:

Physical Description:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:

Love Interest:


Long-Term Goals:
Short Term Goals:
Other things you feel are relevant:

What your character thinks of those they’ve met: (please list those characters in the game your character has interacted with and their impressions of them; if you are filling out the application, list characters yours would already know coming into this-ex, Giles would know Buffy, etc.):

Who your character would like to meet:

For those new to the game: writing sample! Write us a short scene with an NPC or a journal entry from your character’s point of view. Please make it at least two paragraphs.

Then, email it to ….

AIM SN: DarkestEleni
Email: canvasofstars@yahoo.com

AIM SN: ladylazarus108
Email: lauren108@gmail.com

Facets of Blood IC :: Facets of Blood OOC

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