Lythenia , a pan-fandom game. Little town, big secret.

Feb 11, 2007 18:15

We are an up and coming game looking for Buffy and Angel, and Firefly Verse Players(esp Mal and Simon), as well as, many others.
Date last posted: 01/16/07

Format: LJ comm.

Genre: Multi-fandom

Name: Lythenia, Scotland

Fandom/Game System/Set up: Pan-fandom game. All Fandoms allowed. No OC's! There are enough fandoms in the 'verse to use.

Tone/Mood: Crack Game-Serious, Comedy, Angst, Fluff, but basically crack.

Pace: LJ Based real time convos, AIM convos, MSN chats. Threads span a day. Can open up to three threads as long as you know your timeline.

Adult Content: G through NC-17, as long as they are properly labeled and no one does threads of such a nature with minors!

Deadline: open-ended.

Qualifications: We ask for proper sentence structure and meaty paragraphs BUT we know mistakes happen. We are flexible. No Flaming, try and go over posts, check for mistake, but we won't lynch you if you have difficulties as long as you try. Know the character that you are playing, but realize that due to the cracktastic nature of the game, storylines and realities will be slightly skewed. Just stay in character and everything will be fine. Minimum Age Requirement: 16+ but if you're below, we'll talk.

Contact, email: for more information

Website: Main Site & OOC Site

Specific Requirements: At this moment we are looking for people to take over a few characters.
*Looking to fill these positions ASAP:
*Simon Tam from Firefly
*Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly
*Seven-of-Nine from Star Trek Voyager
*Elizabeth Swann from POTC
*Jack Sparrow from POTC
*Ianto Jones from Torchwood
*The Mad Hatter from Alice and Wonderland
*Lisa Cuddy from House MD
*Harry Potter from Harry Potter
*Hermoine Granger from Harry Potter
*Lily Potter from Harry Potter
*Ronald Wesley from Harry Potter
*Angel from Angel
*Buffy Summers from Buffy- on hold until 1/24/07
*Marcus Hamilton from Angel
*Wesley Wyndam-Pryce from Angel
*Bobby Drake from X-Men
*Logan AKA Wolverine from X-Men
*Kitty Pryde AKA Shadowcat from X-Men

Prince Ludwig from Blackadder II
Baldrick from Blackadder III
Cedric Diggory from Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter is now adoptable

Recently filled:
*James Wilson from House, M.D.(who is willing to ship with Gregory House.)
*Winifred Burkle from Angel
*Spike from Angel
Dawn Summers from Buffy
Cordelia Chase from Buffy/Angel
B'Lenna Torres from Star Trek Voyager
Jack Ferrimen from Ghost Ship
*Rose Tyler from Doctor Who

Fandoms we’d like to see:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Rescue Me
Sin City
Harry Potter
V for Vendetta
Harry Potter
Doctor Who/Torchwood
House MD
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel
Any and all other fandoms welcome!

Game Description:

The year is 2006 in Lythenia, an island so far removed from civilization as to be…unpredictable. Its geography plants it in the remote Falkland archipelago and its total land mass makes it more like a small community than a small island. The size of the community makes it ideal for the person who likes to make friends and network. It's never a dull moment on Lythenia, by any means.

Especially when you realize that something's not quite kosher on the island. People are showing up in swirling vortexes with hazy memories of how exactly how they wound up here. One minute, they were minding their own business and the next…who knows? Well here’s the catch.

Your characters are dead. Six feet under, in a pine box, pushing up daisies, no longer breathing sweet, sweet oxygen. The only thing is, they don’t know that. They’re convinced they’re vacationing in Scotland or got washed ashore by accident. They are prisoners on this little island sanctuary, otherwise known as Purgatory. The only way out is to make good on your sins and the only way to do that is to realize that you’re no longer in the land of the living.

So whether you're a raggedy pirate from the 17th century, a young girl from the 19th, a vampire from Sunnydale, CA, or even a wizard whose time is up, rest assured that you can find acceptance on Lythenia. As long as you plan on paying penance, that is.

Lythenia is a pan-fandom RPG; in layman's terms, this is translates as “Charries defying logic and reason and hanging out with charries from different fandoms.” A cross-over fic on crack, and on a much larger scale, if you will. Here are a few of the guidelines:

-No OOC drama

-Piggybacking on that, maturity it a must. Not in the prim and proper way, but in the acting like a grown up when you can’t have your way or your character’s getting made fun of.

-Try to have your post consist of at least 5 good descriptive sentences or more. Slippage is okay, but if you consistently do not post to that standard, some modly strings will be pulled.

-Required activity, one post a week. Preferably a post a week for each account to show you’re capable of handling all the charries you’re holding. Not hard is it? Just make sure that you aren’t letting writing buddies down and if you need a hiatus, tell your buddies and the mods.

-Post in your journal every other week. It’s in character, people.

-AIM/MSN screen names for your charries are not required at the moment but sn’s for the muns are HIGHLY recommended as some RPing does take place on messengers.

- Check the taken charries list here before applying.

-Slash and het are welcome, so long as the other half of the relationship is cool and duly informed of the nature of the relationship.

-What are you waiting for? Apply today!

Lythenia, Scotland
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