11 days left for Dec beginning

Dec 21, 2007 09:16

Only 11 days left for the Dec beginning. Any more fics out there? Any one?

I'm posting a poll, I've got 3 beginnings typed up and ready to go. Hopefully by letting you pick what's next might help inspire some fics (besides mine) Also if you have any ideas/suggestions/beginnings of your own please don't hesitate to let me know.

Wasn't sure the poll would let me post long explainations so I'm gonna do this here and then just a short description on the actual poll.

Season 5, Buffy is hurt, the Scoobies try to help, Angel is called but no-show, why didn't he come? How will it affect how Buffy and/or the others feel/act toward him.

Season 3, Buffy stops Faith from killing the Deputy Mayor. How will this affect Faith and/or the rest of the season and/or future.

Season 1, Buffy finally gets a slayer handbook, what will she find? (this was just a something that popped in my head)

Poll Buffy and Then

If anyone wants to affiliate and/or pimp the community to help bring in more writers it would be much appreciated.

mod post, poll

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