Title: The Bulbous Ghost
Word: precarious
evilbilboLength: 200 words exactly They tried to put it politely at first, but after every entreaty and plea was ignored, courtesy began to take its leave.
Begging requests that would otherwise have been pitiful merely, they said, went in one orifice and out the other.
But there was no question that something had to be done.
Frankly, he was embarrassing the other ghosts.
They glided through walls and slid under doors, their vaporous ectoplasm enabling feats of infiltration that the most recent spectre mastered in such a short time.
And there he was, lumbering away, his passing measured not by the hypersensitive equipment favoured by those humans who took an interest in the paranormal, but by counters that traditionally were used to measure movements of tectonic plates.
Eventually, the rest of them got together and called a council. None had been called in unliving memory, but the oldest of them still remembered The Law and it was he who chaired the meeting.
It was horribly understandable, but unfair, one side of the argument went, that his very nature meant that he placed all other ghosts in precarious jeopardy by his very existence.
Meanwhile, the ghost of the blue whale listened in silence and pondered...
© Lee Barnett, 2006