Fast Fiction Challenge: Turtles Have Short Legs

Jun 16, 2006 13:38

Title: Turtles Have Short Legs
Word: pilaster
Challenger: mondoagogo
Length: 200 words exactly She wondered, as she negotiated the crowded pavements on the way to her destination, why the man was being paid.

The sun blazed down, mitigated by a cool breeze, and she smiled as a gust of wind caught her long raven locks and whipped them over her face. The sudden feeling of hair across her eyes was so natural that she didn’t even mind the distraction.

It obscured her vision long enough to blind her for a moment, so she never saw the speeding car turn the corner, nor the front of the vehicle as the driver lost control.

The car hit her with a shocking violent impact, flinging her body sideways across the pavement, so she hit the wall like a rag doll, and crumpled.

The case she was holding burst open against the pilaster, the high denomination notes curling into the air like large flakes of confetti.

As the darkness crept upon her, she gasped in sudden realisation. Like others, she was convinced that it wasn’t a new species of turtle at all that the man had discovered, but in this world of genetic engineering, it occurred to her with her final thoughts that it soon would be.

© Lee Barnett, 2006

fast fiction challenge 2006

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