Jul 08, 2004 11:00
I am still new to Buddhism, but near the very beginning of my journey I knew Buddhism was right for me, but I hesitated to call my self a Buddhist. There is a certain stigma in our society that influences what people think about us. I always referred to myself as a 'student of Buddhism' which is very true, as we all are students, and are constantly taking in more and more information and developing our beliefs. Already since I have joined this community, I have had great recommendations for books, movies and websites. It’s great to hear other people’s views on Buddhism and life in general.
Being deployed in Kuwait, makes for some difficult times. It is tough to be thrown together with people you didn't know more than a few months ago, and sent half way across the world, away from friends and family, and dropped into a combat zone. I myself haven't seen combat yet, but that is my karma. There is a good chance I may see some before I leave, and still a chance that I may not leave that fight alive, but Buddhism has been the greatest thing to happen to me for a while.
I was reading saintwithasword's last post and got to thinking, back home all my friends and I would discuss religion and philosophy and bounce all kinds of ideas off each other, which was my Sangha. Now, since I've been deployed, I have started to develop a new Sangha. I've been talking with many different people about live, the universe, and everything. I've met a group of people who are caring, willing to help, and are on the same journey I am. I'm not talking about the other soldiers I am deployed with; I'm talking about the Buddhists community. I'm talking about you. You are my Sangha, and LJ is our meditation hall. Every day I sit down in front of my computer and read the thoughts of my compatriots. I respond and we each help each other to understand life better. I feel comfortable enough to post personal problems and dilemmas here, because I know that they will be taken in a way that is filled with understanding. No one will judge, they only want to help. We are all on the same path, and we all stumble on the rocks and roots that litter that path. But we have support. In many ways this is a great way to learn from each other. No one here is biased against anyone else because of appearance or the way they act. All we know is that everyone here is interested in actively learning about life, and helping others. All we see is thoughts. All those people who responded to saintwithasword's questions and said that they don't have any Sanghas, need to realize that they do have one, and it’s a great one. Thanks everybody!