Unless you're Mexican, you're likely wondering how the paradoxical combination of chili powder, sugar, tamarind and lead could taste good. The only thing holding you back from enjoying it is your mental construction of what candy should taste like. So, I bought an assortment of
Lucas candies and sat down to meditate on them.
I squirted some of the dark fluid into my mouth, and was immediately put off by the flavor. It was like dragging a lollipop through your grandmother's old spice rack. The flavors warred with one another in a rapidly mutating, unsavory sensation. It was Samsara upon the tongue!
Why is this happening?! If the essence of being is Emptiness, and by being Empty one is Everything, why is it not within me to enjoy this? If an entire country of people can find this worthy of calling a "treat," it should be within my capacity as a human to experience it as such.
I collapsed upon the Zafu, weeping for my limitations and for the plight of all sentient beings who cannot embrace Mexican candy.