Doctor Who fic: Project Salvation (1/?)

Aug 29, 2008 19:48

Title: Project Salvation
Author: buckshotwon
Rated: PG-13, slight R (rating may change in future chapters)
Spoilers: Still post S4/Journey’s End
Characters: Martha Jones, Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Torchwood (Mickey Smith, Gwen Cooper, and Ianto Jones), The Master, Jones Family (Leo, Tish, Francine, and Clive), Sarah Jane Smith, mentions of Donna Noble, Lucy Saxon.
Pairings: Martha Jones/Tenth Doctor, some Martha Jones/The Master, (minor) Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, and Francine Jones/Clive Jones.
Disclaimer: I wish I did own Doctor Who but I don’t own them. BBC does.
Summary: Four months had passed. There were signs everywhere, and they all point to Martha Jones.

A/N: Really, if you haven’t read Alien Magnet of Trouble, or even chapter six to that and on, you’ll be completely lost. But I think you can read this without going “huh?” many times!


Previously on Alien Magnet of Trouble (Recap):

The Doctor got infected by a mysterious creature.
Martha spent an entire week looking after him, eventually finding a cure.
Jack and Martha’s relationship had strained quite a bit…
while Martha’s relationship with the Doctor grew stronger.
The Doctor left Martha behind on Earth,
And meanwhile, people around the world are starting to remember the Year that never was.
The old myth of the Salvation reached the ears of certain characters and this is just the beginning.


Chapter I:

It was snowing again.

Like a child, Martha Jones stood at the window of her bedroom, still dressed in her pajamas. Her hair had grown, a little past her shoulders and she smiled at the scene of snow falling against the glass.

Her bedroom had changed quite a bit.

She moved her bed around, took away a dresser, added in smaller ones. The color on the walls had changed to green colored called “basil.” Her closet was somewhat organized, though her low top orange Converse sneakers were sticking out. Picture frames around the room, it was more her than any previous room creation she had before.

Once Martha had enough of seeing the snow, she decided a cup of hot chocolate would be nice and maybe extra marshmallows too.

The alarm clock on her nightstand read 9:46 a.m., and it was a Wednesday morning. She stretched onto her tip toes, let out a loud yawn, and headed out to the hallway, making her way to the kitchen. Pots clattered around as Martha struggled to find her pot and it was sitting in the sink. After putting water in the pot, and letting it get hot from the stove, she took out her favorite cup, the hot chocolate, and marshmallows that were hidden in the back of her cupboard.

In her time, it had been four long yet busy months for the young doctor. Four months since she had seen the Doctor face to face, four months since she had seen the TARDIS, the same amount of time that it took her and Jack on reconnecting their relationship.

Martha’s thoughts were interrupted when her telephone rang.

She recognized the number instantly: Tish.

“Tish, this is a new record. Calling before ten in the morning, I am impressed.” Martha replied before her sister could speak on the other end.

”Very funny, Martha,” Tish replied, smiling over the receiver of her cell phone. “Anyway, I was calling to tell you that the rehearsal dinner had been moved from 3 o’clock to about 1:30ish. Don’t ask me why but mum and dad changed it up.” Tish explained, hurrying in the middle of the crowded sidewalk.

“I guess I should pick up my dress, yeah?” Martha asked, pouring the hot water into the cup and then added the mix for the hot chocolate.

“I’m about to pick mine up right now so if you want, I can get yours too, well, before I head into work.” Tish replied, stopping in front of a store, looking through the window at the various dresses of many sorts.

“No, that’s alright, I’m heading into town later today. Just get off to work and I’ll call mum later.” Martha smelled the aroma of the hot chocolate and it soothed her. “Be careful out there, it’s snowing like mad.”

”I will. Bye Martha.” Tish replied, brushing her curly hair from her face and hung up soon afterwards.

Martha just ended the call, another yawn escaped from her lips as she sipped her hot chocolate slowly, adding the marshmallows at the end. Her trip from the kitchen to the living room was short, and on BBC news were more reports of graffiti finding its way to the United States, some areas of Russia, and now, in Sydney, Australia.

A strong, yet bad feeling formed in the pit of her stomach as she watched the news (which was rare for her), sipping her hot cocoa.

This was the last thing she wanted to hear about and she turned off the television and propped herself up onto the couch, lying back against the couple of throw pillows. Today was going to be a busy day. First, she had to head into town, pay her rent again, pick up her dress for her mum and dad’s “wedding,” though Martha called it renewing of vows, and spend the rest of the day at a rehearsal dinner.

But before that, Martha decided to give a special someone a call.


The Doctor found him alone again on the TARDIS.

Sure, he had a few people travel with him here and there, but it was for a one trip deal (literally), and it wasn’t the same as it was months ago when he had Donna around. Or even Martha.

Martha. There was something about that name that made him smile.

It had been exactly one week and four days since her last call. He was keeping count, well, more or less the TARDIS was, but it had been a while. He was sitting in the captain’s chair; the TARDIS had just left an area in New York (he dropped off a passenger) and was now in the time vortex.

The cell phone, Martha’s old mobile, was sitting across from him. If he could stare hard enough, maybe it could ring…


Captain Jack Harkness stared at the news on the small television screen inside the hub.

His jaw tightened when he saw footage of riots breaking out all over small areas of the U.K. The news just called them “rioters” but suspected they were connected to the outbreak of graffiti and messages around England.

His eyebrow rose at images of sprayed words that read “The Salvation,” to “The people will remember,” and what seemed to be some kind of code or strange language. If he didn’t know any better, it almost looked Gallifreyan.

“T.V. off,” Jack announced and the screen shut itself off.

Was it possible for people to remember a certain event after they were told it couldn't happen? Jack had no idea, but it was starting to irk him more and more as even he saw this event unfold around Cardiff.

There was only one thing he could think of: Call Martha Jones.


Martha started to notice of the small things around her.

The weather had changed overnight. Yesterday, the weather was a bit humid, rainy like, and no sign of snow approaching. The people around her were acting a bit weird too. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but it wasn’t the same Cardiff as before.

Something in the air, she thought…

Martha was dressed in a pair of blue jeans, boots, a black turtleneck sweater and a matching jacket over it. Her feet carried her to a store, the same one that Tish had visited earlier. She had to pick up her dress for the wedding that was to occur on the weekend. Saturday, at exactly 3 in the afternoon, her mother and father were going to be wed, again. As far as she knew, it was going to small, intimate, and fairly short.

And Martha (who didn’t like dresses to begin with), got talked into wearing one.

The hypnotic tapping of the employee’s fingers against the counter startled Martha. She blinked and shook her head and as fast it came, it was gone. “Ma’am, are you alright?” It was a female voice.

”Um, yes, I’m fine. I’m here to pick up a dress under the name Martha Jones.”

The employee nodded her head. She seemed tightlipped, had blonde hair, thin framed glasses, and went off to get the dress. Meanwhile, Martha rubbed her head; she felt her pores giving off sweat. She couldn’t lose it today, not today. Today was strictly for her parents, not having more crazy hallucinations that ended in headaches. Ten minutes had passed before the employee came out from the back, carrying a dress that was covered up.

”Here it is! Is there a special occasion?”

“My parents are getting married.” Martha replied, taking the dress from her and started to feel hot.

“Oh, well I hope it turns out well,” the other woman replied, handing a receipt.

“Me too,” Martha mumbled under her breath and shoved the receipt in her pocket. “Thank you.”

She was glad to be outside in the cold, crisp air, catching her breath. She looked restless, tired, but she hid it well, something she learned from the Doctor. The Doctor…

Maybe it was about time to give him a call.


The Doctor almost fell out of his chair when he heard the cell phone ringing repeatedly.

He stared at the phone as it rang. The TARDIS hummed loud enough at the Doctor to answer it. He flipped it open, and saw that the caller I.D. read Martha.

”Hello?” The Doctor asked into the phone and heard the soft chuckle of Martha Jones on the other end. He was breathless.

“Was I interrupting something?” Martha heard his breathing and wondered what he was doing before he answered it.

“The TARDIS, she, well, she likes to give me a spook now and then.” The Doctor replied, joyful to hear her voice again. “You know how long it’s been, don’t you, Martha Jones?” His voice got low and husky, and Martha was thankful she was sitting in her car.

”Too long, Doctor, and I apologize. Things down here have gotten a bit…busy.” Martha explained, staring out the window of her car, watching a man, carrying a cardboard sign that read “The Salvation is coming.” She cleared her throat and spoke again. “So Doctor, how would you like to come back to Earth?”

The Doctor grinned on the other line. “You’re brilliant, Martha Jones!”

”Just come to my flat, okay? And no parking the TARDIS in my living room!” Martha hoped for.

“Whatever you want, Doctor Jones,” The Doctor immediately set the coordinates to Cardiff and the conversation was ended. “Old girl, we get to see Martha again,” the Doctor told the TARDIS who hummed in approval. The TARDIS did miss Martha’s presence around; she grew very fond of her. Both of them had gained a very close relationship that was based on trust and loyalty.

It would be soon before the TARDIS would land in Cardiff; only to see a special companion.


Martha shuffled her feet against the mattress of her large bed.

The cover was covering half of her body; she was dressed in a comfortable pair of pajamas, getting more restless. It was then that she had the feeling she wasn’t alone.

There was a soft kiss down at the base of her ankle.

Very soft, cool lips against her warm skin.

It seemed all too familiar; these dreams Martha were having since the Doctor had left. She would fall asleep, have slightly erotic like dreams with someone who had the coolest lips she had ever felt. The mystery figure never showed who it was, just a head full of dark brown hair that occasionally peeked from the top of the cover.

The lips left a light trail of kisses up her left calf, kissing over her knee and Martha shuddered. A pink tongue peeked out from the lips, leading another trail from her knee to her thigh.

“Oh God,” the soft words came from Martha’s lips, a hand held down her waist, almost like whoever it was held his body down so she couldn’t move.

It certainly was a ‘he.’

“God,” the voice whispered into Martha’s ear, “doesn’t have a thing on me.”

The voice belonged to…

“Shh,” the voice said to Martha who was frightened. His finger tip pressed against Martha’s lips, immediately shushing her. And then he grinned at her. “There’s no way you can escape me now, Martha Jones.” He said her name like it was acid on his lips; it was full of hatred, anger, and a hint of…passion?

His lips had brushed against Martha’s, it was almost sickeningly soft.

And he almost grinded his lips, his teeth tugged on Martha’s bottom lip roughly. Martha retaliated by biting down on his own bottom lip, deep enough to draw blood.

”I always knew there was something dark within you, Martha.” His voice made Martha cringe. “If only the Doctor wasn’t so pathetic, you could have grown into something I could have used. Something valuable, almost like a gem,” his lips brushed against her neck and he grunted some. “You could have been my drums.”

And like that, the Master would disappear from her dreams.


The TARDIS had landed in the back alley of where Martha’s flat was located. It seemed all too familiar when the TARDIS gave a soft landing. It almost shocked the Doctor.

The Doctor stepped out of the TARDIS, unaware of the weather in Cardiff. He hadn’t seen snow since…well; it’s been a while if he couldn’t remember. He had his long overcoat on, brown suit and white Converse sneakers on his feet. The cold weather didn’t bother him. In fact, he liked snow.

The walk from the carefully hidden TARDIS to Martha’s front door wasn’t long, but he stood in front of the door, trying to find his strength to knock on it.

”Doctor?” The voice behind him should have startled him, but it didn’t.

He turned on his heels and came face to face to the woman he had wanted to see for months.


A/N: It took me about a few days to write, well type this out. And so since a lot of you guys were very, very adamant about doing another sequel and wanting more, here it is! I found time in between class and studying to get these ideas together but this is seven pages long and I got tired. Also, if I could have, I would have made that Martha/Master scene very dirty cause I’ve fallen into that couple so quickly. Please stay tuned for chapter two, whenever that will be?

jack harkness, the master, post series four, fic: doctor who, fanfic, torchwood, mickey smith, tenth doctor, project salvation, martha jones, doctor who

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