Kink Meme *Closed*

Apr 18, 2010 22:16

Kink Meme
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prompt thread, part1, kink meme

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anonymous December 6 2010, 02:22:23 UTC

I do not read/write AUs or crossovers... but I have a mad burning for Reaper!Bones and Jim, where Reaper!Bones is deathly injured on a mission and 'miraculously' recovers and Jim is all O_O

Confession and fall-out, please! This meme is opening a ton of fandom doors for me :D


With a Whisper 1/4 anonymous December 17 2010, 05:46:36 UTC
I have an unhealthy obsession with Reaper!Bones, so I'll give this a shot...Leonard McCoy really didn't want to go on this mission... but he'd been Called. That meant that one of the Admirals, probably Pike, had either broken through the encryptions on his file, or gained the clearance necessary to look at it and know that he was much more than a doctor. He grumbled to himself as he strapped on his laser rifle, wishing that this was still the age of body armor and assault rifles ( ... )


With a Whisper 2/4 anonymous December 17 2010, 06:30:48 UTC
For the most part, the mission was exactly as boring as Jim and Spock had been led to believe, but Leonard still had an itch in the back of his neck that wouldn't go away, no matter how much he tried to convince himself that everything was fine. His 'Reaper' instincts, as Sam had begun calling them, were screaming at him to stay on alert, and he was more inclined to believe them than some bullshit mission briefing ( ... )


Re: With a Whisper 2/4 anonymous December 17 2010, 21:46:53 UTC
omgomgomgogmomgYAAAAAAAY OP here, keep going!


Re: With a Whisper 2/4 anonymous December 19 2010, 04:22:23 UTC
the 3rd is up, last part hopefully before I sleep!


With a Whisper 3/4 anonymous December 19 2010, 04:21:23 UTC
"Fuck," he said, tightening his grip on his weapon. He decided that it was time to actually use his training, and made several hand gestures. The Security crew obeyed him, most of them with startled expressions on their faces. He rolled his eyes, wondering if he should just put the mask on his face. That was how he'd trained them, maybe they'd recognize him, then ( ... )


OP anonymous December 19 2010, 04:52:34 UTC
:O Booooooooones *sticks fist in mouth in anticipation*


With a Whisper 4/4 anonymous December 19 2010, 06:07:48 UTC
"Ow," he said, putting a hand to his stomach, which was covered with half-dried blood. The skin was closed, which was what he expected.

"Bones! What the hell?!" Jim's panicked voice, somehow, was not. "Y-you were... Oh God, Bones, you can't do that shit to me, I thought that thing shot you!" He opened his eyes to see Jim hovering over him, the other aliens dispatched by someone, probably Spock.

"...It did," he finally said, knowing he wouldn't be able to lie for long. The confused look on Jim's face was almost amusing, but the look in his eyes definitely wasn't.

"We just go comms back. You and I'll talk about this later. Official story, you just got hit really hard and passed out. Their blood is red so seeing you covered in it shouldn't be too weird... But we ARE going to talk." Jim's voice was his 'Captain' voice, the one that still snuck up and bit Leonard in the ass when he least expected it ( ... )


OP here anonymous December 19 2010, 22:20:37 UTC
And hot dayum. I love it. If I could take it to bed with me and snuggle it, I would. Every night.

...Except now I want some h/c regarding those nightmares that were mentioned... *shifty eyes*


Re: OP here anonymous December 19 2010, 22:22:20 UTC
"I can fix that!" Give me a couple days and I'll have it for you... if Christmas doesn't steal my soul again


Re: OP here anonymous December 19 2010, 22:38:56 UTC
*shiny eyes full of hope*


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