Kink Meme *Closed*

Apr 18, 2010 22:16

Kink Meme
Brought to you by: jim-and-bones

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prompt thread, part1, kink meme

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Some Caretaking, please? d8rkmessngr May 24 2010, 17:23:27 UTC
No anon. I'm starved for fic. Nasty day with our bank, my medical insurance. :(

Please, could I have a nice Bones washing Jim fic? Sex or no sex, I'm fine with. Just Bones cleaning Jim up after a really bad mission, Bones taking care of his Jim please.


Re: Some Caretaking, please? laughter_now May 24 2010, 17:37:11 UTC
On it. Not making any promises that it'll be done tonight (am in Europe, after all, it's getting late), but I'm all for the cheering up. :D


Re: Some Caretaking, please? d8rkmessngr May 24 2010, 18:18:42 UTC

I'm feeling better already.


Filled: Taking Care of You (1/?) laughter_now May 24 2010, 22:42:42 UTC
It grew kinda long, but I got it done before going to bed. Hope you like it ( ... )


Filled: Taking Care of You (2/?) laughter_now May 24 2010, 22:43:32 UTC
"Sorry, Jim. I hate to say it, but you're still wearing half that swamp, and you smell like it, too. Besides, your body temperature was a little too low when we beamed you back aboard, so you're going to take a hot shower and I don't want to hear another word ( ... )


Filled: Taking Care of You (3/?) laughter_now May 24 2010, 22:44:12 UTC
He spent a few long moments tenderly cleaning out the shells of Jim's ears and that small strip of skin behind his ears before he moved on to Jim's neck and throat. With Jim's back turned towards him again, Leonard made sure that his lover never left the warm spray of water as he started to lather up Jim's shoulders and arms. The strokes of the washcloth were getting broader, more rhythmic and soothing as Leonard washed Jim's left arm first, the top of it in long strokes, hand and finger with smaller, more gentle movements, then long strokes of the washcloth up the underside of Jim's arm again. Once he finished with Jim's armpit, he repeated the same movements with his right arm ( ... )


Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) laughter_now May 24 2010, 22:44:47 UTC
And despite his fatigue and exhaustion, Leonard could feel Jim's cock starting to fill under his ministrations. It was a perfectly natural reaction, one that didn't require any kind of higher brain function, or - considering Jim's current state - even consciousness, so Leonard didn't read too much into it ( ... )


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) secretsolitaire May 25 2010, 00:57:22 UTC
Aw, the way Bones takes care of Jim is so beautiful, almost like a form of worship.


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) emiliglia May 25 2010, 01:45:02 UTC
Lovely, bb. It's so tender.


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) d8rkmessngr May 25 2010, 03:28:06 UTC
I feel like I've wrapped in a warm hug. This is perfect! I love how your words leisurely went over the descriptions, how Bones was so careful and caring.


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) weepingnaiad May 25 2010, 03:36:58 UTC
AWWWW. I love it when Bones is such a fabulous caretaker. He was so tender and loving and gentle, which is so good to see in contrast to his normally gruff self.



Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) cain1999 May 25 2010, 14:07:27 UTC
Perfectly done!!! So very tender. Lovely!


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) sangueuk May 25 2010, 16:43:48 UTC
This was so beautiful and gave me a bit of a smooshy feel when I needed it too! My favourite part was Bones kissing him on the thigh. So tender and lovely. I feel priviledged to be part of this intimate moment between them, thank you!


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) thistlerose May 25 2010, 23:19:03 UTC
This left me with a warm, glowy feeling. It's beautiful.


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) blcwriter May 27 2010, 12:58:11 UTC
I'm just so WIBBLY all over this. This is just LOVELY, dear.


Re: Filled: Taking Care of You (4/4) tresa_cho October 11 2010, 03:51:38 UTC
Oooh this was so lovely. Soft and amazing.


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