Jun 01, 2009 17:04

Who: Itsuki Koizumi, a flying fish, the moons, you(?), open~
What: Itsuki arrives. He's here! Be afraid!
Where: The Hub. Right outside of the train station to be specific.
When: ...mid-day.

Having dealt with Suzumiya on a regular basis had the fringe benefit of being used to strange changes: reality warping, monsters appearing, being stuck in a perpetual time loop, or even waking up one day with powers. As such, his first reaction upon seeing the sudden new setting was a simple, "...ah." God had acted once more, presumably...and he found himself looking forward to seeing what she had come up with this time.

Ah, well. The other end found himself at a train station, still apparently alone. His first thought was to look for someone he knew: while he was quite aware that in theory he could be alone, the thought of that as a genuine possibility almost...but not quite...crossed his mind.

((OOC: Also, as a side note, there's a chance I might reply to people as late as tomorrow. So if I don't reply tonight...I don't hate you. My internet, however, is a different story. For that, I only unsheathe my rage.))
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