Who: Jack, Ianto and Toshiko
When: Immediately after
Tosh detected some rift activity.
Where: Someplace in Cardiff.
What: Jack, Tosh and Ianto check out the rift activity and find something a little disturbing.
Status: Incomplete.
A-hunting they will go... )
Toshiko settled herself, turned on the monitor and moved the keyboard into place. "I've got a reading at... grid ref: 317600,173900. It doesn't seem to be moving." Checking where the reference was for, she groaned when the answer appeared. "It's made it to the Retail Park."
Giving up on trying to get some news reports from the incident, Ianto looked ahead to see if he'd notice anything that way.
"Behind the Argos?" Jack said with a frown. "That's a bit anticlimactic."
He manoeuvred the SUV around the back of the complex, but pulled to a stop some distance back. It would be easier to see what was going on if they approached the area more closely on foot.
He got out of the car and drew his gun, watchful as he led them forward.
"Down the side of the building," she murmured, nodding towards a narrow alleyway between the building and a wall. "No wonder no-one reported anything, it's pretty quiet. Good job it didn't pick a delivery day."
Not that Tosh needed protection.
"We're never that lucky," he muttered, making his way to the alleyway. "We better be even more careful if it's hurt."
He glanced at Tosh, then opened his wriststrap, punching a few buttons without reholstering his gun.
"Lifesigns up ahead," he said. "Not human. Behind the bin."
Slowing slightly, she glanced at Ianto, then drew her weapon, making sure he was aware that she was now armed too.
He'd forgotten that part. Or maybe he just hadn't wanted to remember in his anger.
Keeping an eye on Tosh, Ianto slipped a bit closer to her despite the fact that she was armed. His gun raises, his heart in his throat, they both followed Jack to whatever it was that was hiding behind the bin.
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