Jack Returns to the Hub

Aug 30, 2010 16:44

Who: Jack and Ianto
When: Night, after Jack cleaned up the dead alien at the bar.
Where: The Hub
What: Jack returns to the Hub to talk to Ianto. He is both nervous and relieved.
Status: Complete

Jack hauled the body down to the morgue, having forgotten all about the black alien goo mingled with copious amounts of his own blood that pretty much covered the front of his shirt. Good thing he'd taken off his coat when he sat down. It could have been ruined. He had it slung over his arm when he went looking for Ianto, hoping he hadn't gone home.

Gwen, Owen and Tosh were all gone, their workstations abandonned for the night. The thing with Ianto was that he could have been working just about anywhere. He did just about everything.

Finally, Jack took out his mobile and sent Ianto a text.

Ianto. I'm in the Hub. U still here? Need to talk. Jack.

jack, ianto

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