2015 ENTRY #2: Roo

Sep 11, 2015 16:21

Title: Roo
Pairing: Seokjin/Suga
Length: 3128w
Rating: PG
Warnings: explicit language, mpreg, hinted very lightly homophobia
Summary: Some little bundle of joys take time to get used to.
A//N: Huge huge thank you to my own Kanga and Roo for being the bestest cheerleaders ever. With school starting I didn't have enough time to write as much as I wanted but I hope everyone enjoys it all the same <33

Seokjin was walking down the grocery aisle, notepad in hand. Listed were all the 'necessities' dubbed by Yoongi. Seokjin, however, knew better. Marshmallows and boxes of brownie mix were definitely not necessities. Apple sauce, cherry tomatoes and ground coffee, on the other hand, were.

Seokjin silently slipped the slip of notepad into the nearest trash can. He would just tell his boyfriend that he had somehow lost it in the heat of grocery shopping for their new larger apartment. Yoongi had scored with a large record label after sending his latest creation to what felt like every studio on the planet. Seokjin's novel had bumped up into major bookstores' shelves and even made it on some bestseller's list. They had celebrated by buying the prettiest apartment and dubbing themselves groom and groomer on the furniture-less living room with the help of three bottles of rosรฉ wine.

Seokjin's phone vibrated in his pocket just as he reaches the line for the cashier. He takes it out to find a text from Yoongi.

Sent 11:37

Don't forget the marshmallow.

Sent 11:38

No marshmallow >:(

Sent 11:40

Ice cream ;;;;;;;;;

Sent 11:50

I got mint chocolate chip

Sent 11:50

I love youuuuu :******

๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ

Seokjin opened the door and walked into a semi empty apartment. The only signs that anyone lived here were the messy shoes in the hallway and the fort of blankets and pillows that Yoongi had calls their bed. At least, until the moving trucks arrived with all their other belongings.

"Yoongi! I'm home!" He got a reply in the form of a grunt. "Could you help me with the groceries so we can hurry up and eat the ice cream." Instantly, his pink haired boyfriend was at his side, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"So you really got my favorite ice cream?" He was grinning, wide fingers already reaching towards the grocery bags. Seokjin playfully smacked his hand away.

"Help me put the stuff away! Then you can share the ice cream." Yoongi beamed before kissing Seokjin fiercely on the lips, taking him by complete surprise.

"Did I tell you I love you yet?" Yoongi whispered onto his lips, loving to stay close enough to touch Seokjin nose to nose, hands intertwined and knees knocking.

"You, uh, texted it to me. Earlier," Seokjin replied in a haze, eyes going cross eyed from trying to keep Yoongi in focus.

"Then let me tell you again. I love you." A kiss on the nose. "I love you." Cheek. "I." Jaw. "Love." Neck. "You." Lips. Seokjin smiled into the kiss, heart bursting at the seams with too many emotions.

"I love you, too," he gasped out the first chance he got. "Now can we please put everything away before the ice cream melts?" Yoongi gives Seokjin one last playful squeeze before helping sort out the groceries.

They rearranged their fort that night to face the window that leads to a small balcony. They make up constellations from imaginary stars while eating, the tub of ice cream between them.

"Do you think anything will change now that we actually live together?" Seokjin mused. Yoongi chewed in silence for a few seconds, deep in thought.

"Maybe little things will change. I might get tired of hearing you sing in the shower and go in there to make you shut up. Maybe I'll come home from the studio to your home cooked meals this time instead of microwaveable food. Now we have someone to cuddle every night. Not all change is bad, Jin."

"Yea, you're right."

"Let's just take it a step at a time. We'll make it through." Seokjin hummed before leaning in to kiss Yoongi on the cheek. But instead, Yoongi tilted his head at the last moment and captured his lips instead.

"I'm always right." Yoongi smirked. Seokjin rolled his eyes and shoved at Yoongi. Yoongi just laughed at his boyfriend's futile attempt at revenge.

"Come here, you." He dragged Seokjin on top of him, hand caressing Seokjin's cheek before pulling him down for more kisses. "Let's christen this place." Seokjin giggles at Yoongi's ridiculous line but takes off his shirt nonetheless and lets Yoongi lead the way into christening their new home.

๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ

The days turned into weeks turned into months of living together. Yoongi had been right; things did change. They grew closer but also had their fair share of disputes. Seokjin and Yoongi had both spent nights on couches from overheated arguments getting out of hand only to get up the next morning and apologize. They still built forts in the living room whenever they wanted to talk, always a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream sitting between them.

Things change but them staying together never did. Or Seokjin never thought had the thought cross his mind anyways. The two of them together had always been a definite. Seokjin never had a doubt.

Now, Seokjin was trying to keep the doubts out of his head as he sits in the drugstore's restroom stall. Three different slabs of white plastic were spread out across the floor as Seokjin chewed on his lip in worry. He had set his phone to go off in three minutes and the wait was agonizing. He and Yoongi had talked about kids once long ago. Yoongi hadn't been too eager about the topic quickly pushing it aside saying they were too young and could barely keep themselves alive let alone a whole other tiny human being.

Bzzzzzz bzzzzzz

Seokjin quickly shut off his alarm before staring down at the different pregnancy tests. They couldn't all be positive. He repeated this over and over in his head as he shakily reached for the nearest pregnancy test. The sight of the two pink lines made him nauseous. The second and third pregnancy tests were no better. Positive, positive, positive.

Seokjin collapsed on the bathroom floor despite all the germs. He rubbed his belly trying to process the fact that there is life in there. He's growing an actual person right now and no one else knew but him. The thought almost made him laugh.

He cried.

๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ

The drive home was too short. Seokjin was nowhere near enough ready to break the news to Yoongi. He didn't know the words to say, the way to say them. He had pictured the 101 different ways in which Yoongi might react from rejection to acceptance. To say Seokjin was on the verge of shitting his pants and puking out his breakfast and lunch would be an understatement. Or it could just be the morning sickness talking. Seokjin has heard those can get pretty bad.

It turns out he had beat Yoongi home. He stands in the living room for a minute trying to picture a mini Yoongi running around. What if he hit himself at the edge of the coffee table? What if Seokjin and Yoongi weren't around to stop a disaster like that from happening? People die from hitting their heads all the time. What if their baby died the same way?

What if-

"Jin, I'm home!" Seokjin snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Yoongi's voice.

"Welcome home," he quietly greeted. Yoongi frowned at him and lifted his hand to Seokjin's forehead.

"You don't have a fever. Is something wrong?" All the words in the world escaped Seokjin. He lifted and dropped his hands not knowing what to do or say. Finally, he grabbed the first pregnancy test he looked at, unable to throw it away, and shoved it in Yoongi's face. The silence was heavy. Seokjin kept his eyes glued to the ground, unable to look Yoongi in the eyes.

"Are you...?" With his index finger, Yoongi lifted Seokjin's chin until he was looking back at him. "Are you pregnant?" His voice is just as soft as Seokjin's when he had greeted him at the door.

"I took three different tests just to make sure. But they were all positive. One of them even had a smiley face." Seokjin licked his lips. Now that the words were coming out they wouldn't stop. "I know you said you didn't want to have kids till we were steady but - there's this thing inside me, Yoongi. It'll grow to be a tiny human being that will look like us. And it'll grow and learn to walk and talk and it'll be all ours. Something we made together."

"You've thought a lot about this, haven't you?"

"After seeing the test results, it was all I could think about."



"Let's raise a baby. Something we made together." Yoongi was smiling at him. Seokjin wanted to cry from relief. He had worried and doubted for nothing.

"Ok." Seokjin peppered Yoongi's face with kisses making him laugh. "Let's do this."

๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ

The next day they went to the hospital. Yoongi didn't want to take any chances. Pregnancy was a Very Big Thing and would lead to Very Big Changes.

"Well all seems to be well. He's 4 weeks pregnant. Weight is where it should be. I want to do a quick test, however. It says here that you have a family history of gestational diabetes."

"Gassy diabetes?" Yoongi asked, concerned.

"Gestational diabetes," the doctor corrected. "It's a type of diabetes that affect people during pregnancy. It usually goes away after pregnancy but there have been a few cases where it develops into type 2 diabetes but, again, it's not as common. As long as Seokjin takes care of himself and watches his sugar level intake he will be just fine."

"IF I even have this gestational diabetes thing. I mean I know my mom and auntie had it when they were pregnant but not my grandma."

"Better to be safe than sorry," Yoongi argued. Seokjin sighed in defeat and let the doctor feed him a glass full of water and sugar.

"You can wait in the waiting room. It'll take about an hour to see how your body reacts to all that sugar; if it'll make enough insulin, all that fun stuff. We'll do a quick blood test to see your sugar levels and then go from there."

Seokjin and Yoongi both nod and head off in the direction of the waiting room. Seokjin pulled out his phone, idly strolling through instagram hoping that the hour will pass by quickly.

"What if you do end up having this diabetes thing?" Yoongi asked out of the blue.

"Then I'll just adjust my diet and make sure to check my sugar levels after every meal."

"But you like sweets."

"Yes, I do. But it's no longer just me living inside my body. If I have to sacrifice a few things to make sure he/she comes out healthy and well then I will." Yoongi let out a heavy sigh in irritation.

"Is this all our lives are gonna be from now on? Sacrificing one thing after the other and for what?"

"Yoongi!" Seokjin scowled at him, a set frown marring his normally cheerful face. Yoongi scoffed in reply before turning to the side. He was never one for confrontation but it was always obvious to Seokjin when Yoongi was irritated.

"No one ever said this would be easy," Seokjin started. He kept his voice low so as not to disturb the other patients in the room. Across from them was a couple, a girl with fair complexion who was rubbing her protruding belly and her partner next to her with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. They both had that happy glow around them and Seokjin felt his heart hurt. Just a little.

"We made sacrifices to be together. Your family still refuses to acknowledge I exist." He feels Yoongi shift beside him letting Seokjin know he has his full attention now. "I can't go with you on trips back home. Even living together, we made sacrifices to accommodate each other. But we're happy, right Yoongi? You don't regret any of it do you?"

"No. Of course I don't. I'm happy it's just...what if we fuck up? When it's just you and me we can talk it out and it'll be ok. We can understand. But this tiny human being...what if we fuck it's whole life over? That's not fair to it/he/she whatever."

"Yoongi, there is no manual for raising a human being. We can read all the books we want and go to all the parenting classes in the world and we'll still mess up."

"Well aren't you a positive beam of sunshine." Seokjin smiled at the sarcastic tone in Yoongi's voice. He was getting through to him.

"We will mess up just like every other parent, but you know what we'll also do? We'll love that tiny human being. We'll make memories with him/her and watch as the baby grows. We'll show the baby off to all our friends cuz our baby will be the cutest on the planet."

"Will we really be good parents?" Yoongi asked after a beat of silence.

"I know we will, Yoongi." He leaned over to kiss Yoongi on the cheek, mindful of the people in the room. There were still people who frowned on couples like them. Not that Yoongi ever let it bother him but Seokjin doesn't like the glares and all the hurtful words hidden in them. Yoongi reached over and intertwined their hands together. That's why they had agreed to come to this doctor. Dr. Hoseok was well known for taking in patients of all sexuality when others would still refuse

"Think we'd win Parents of the Year award?"

"If there was such a thing we'd win it every year." They spend the rest of the hour cuddling with the arm rest wedged uncomfortably between them. Yoongi wrapped his arm around him when Seokjin looked up and made eye contact with the couple across from them. She smiled at him encouragingly. Congratulations, she mouthed and Seokjin smiled in return.

"Kim Seokjin?" the doctor called out. Seokjin and Yoongi both jumped out of their seats. They hurried in after the doctor and waited anxiously as he drew blood from Seokjin to measure his blood sugar. Yoongi never once let go of his other hand and Seokjin was grateful for it.

"120 mg/dL," Dr. Hoseok read aloud.

"Is that good or?" Yoongi asked.

"It's good, it's good! We'd have to worry if it was above 14o mg/dL but these are good measurements after in taking that much sugar. However, I would still suggest you keep track of what you eat. It might come at any time during your pregnancy though I doubt it will if you keep up this level of health. We'll double check again when you reach week 28 but for now, you're good to go." Seokjin and Yoongi instantly burst into wide smiles and thank the doctor a multitude of times before finally leaving.

"Well that wasn't so bad." Seokjin punched Yoongi's arm lightly after sliding into the car.

"You say that now. You were practically in tears before from worry, admit it."

"Of course I was. You and the baby could've been in trouble. I don't know what I would have done if something was actually wrong with you two. It was a really scary thought." Seokjin blinked at Yoongi in surprise. He had not been expecting that.

"We're ok, Yoongi. Tell you what. Let's celebrate by going to the zoo!"

"The zoo?" Yoongi looked at him quizzically.

"Yes! It's filled with cute animals and I'd rather go now than wait till my belly gets all big and it gets hard to walk around." Yoongi nodded in agreement.

"Ok. The zoo it is!"

๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ ๐Ÿผ

The zoo wasn't teeming with loud, hyperactive children. Very few people were around it still being to early for school to be let out. Seokjin was content walking around taking time to enjoy the sight hand in hand with Yoongi. Seokjin insisted on taking polaroid pictures of the all the animals and marking all the polaroids with today's date.

"Seokjin, come on. We still have kangaroos, elephants and that whole room filled with reptiles to see!" Yoongi whined as they stood in front of the alligators while Seokjin meticulously dated his latest polaroid.

"Yoongi, these memories are important! I can't let them slip by."

"You're going to miss out on them too if you just stay behind the camera," Yoongi grumbled. Seokjin huffed before slipping the now developed polaroid into his back pocket along with all the other ones.

"Fine, fine. No more pictures. You happy?"

"Much." Yoongi grinned before dragging Seokjin off to see the kangaroos. What they saw there made them both go still. A baby kangaroo was tucked into the pouch of it's mother tiny eyes peering out into the world. The mother hopped around the area gently as if she was being careful not to jostle her baby. Seokjin couldn't help but reach up and rub his tummy and think of his own baby tucked away safe inside him.

"They're like the animals from that cartoon you used to watch all the time," Yoongi whispered.

"Winnie the Pooh?"

"Yes, that one! What were their names again?"

"Kanga and Roo? Not that hard, Yoongi. It's kangaroo split into two." Yoongi smacked Seokjin playfully on the shoulder before wrapping his arm around them. Seokjin laughed at his boyfriend's silliness. "Let's name our baby Roo."

"Do you want to be Kan and I be Ga?" Seokjin elbowed Yoongi in mock irritation. It was Yoongi's turn to laugh.

"No! I just meant we don't even know if it's a she or a he and saying he/she is such a hassle so why not just name the baby Roo until we know? Plus not like I'm any different from Kanga. Just that my pouch is in the inside keeping Roo safe." Yoongi looked down at Seokjin, watching him silently as he rubbed his stomach back and forth.

"Roo sounds perfect. Especially with a perfect Kanga like you." Yoongi leaned down to kiss Seokjin on the cheek. They stay there for awhile, waiting for a stranger to pass by to ask them to take a picture of them with the kangaroos. Under the polaroid Seokjin wrote, Welcome Home Roo ๐Ÿ’—. Seokjin knew that there would be more sacrifices and Very Big Changes coming their way. Some might upset Yoongi more than others but he knew that having their little Roo would make everything OK in the end.


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