You need backstory: I'm separated from my husband but we're still together essentially. I pretty much left to really devote myself to alcoholism, which he is not fond of, but we still date and stuff. He works for NASA. One night I was feeling shitty [drunk] and asked him over to just sit with me. He comes over because he's epic and we end up
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So I was just jamming out to music from my teen hood (as you do). Am I the only one who watches this video and sees Logan (Mitchell, not Henderson) in Jason Bigg's character in this
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So it seems that my Lovely mod fever_play has disappeared! SOMEONE FIND HER!!!! But while we wait I guess I'll take her post this week. Um...Have some RIDICULOUS James/Logan being RIDICULOUS on STRIKE! AND TALK ABOUT IT, AND THEM, and how STUPID, and LOVELY, and JEALOUS they (LOGAN) are!