Tantalizing Tuesday

Mar 27, 2012 23:23

Right so, I'm a little late so I'll jump right into this guys! Today's Ship Spotlight is:

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ship spotlight, kendall schmidt, recs, carlos pena, tantalizing tuesday

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Comments 10

rensahannou March 28 2012, 04:14:40 UTC
hey thanks for reccing my fic! :D that's awesome.

since when is Kenlos popular, though??? is there a bunch of new fic out there I've missed? 'cause last I checked it's definitely the least popular of the 6 main slash pairings....which is sad because it's wonderful and deserves so much more attention :(

and in the spirit of it getting more attention I'll leave my own recs as well~ shisou_eimin got me into Kenlos to begin with and writes them amazingly. all of her stuff is good ( here's a link to all her Kenlos fics) but my faaaaaavorite is her RPS spy AU (sdlkjfslkfj) "Where My Heart Belongs" (with bonus Jagan!). and for showverse her multi-chapter "Slow and Steady" is super-cute ♥

and another AU (mob story, showverse this time) by joyousbrokenthing on ff.net, "RUSH", which is only a few chapters in and not very Kenlos-y yet (and looks to be potentially sad when it does get there...), but it's awesome so far ( ... )


fairygrrl45 March 28 2012, 16:54:51 UTC
I think what I meant is that it's a popular pairing as jagan is so popular and they become the default. They may not be written that often tho. I'm still new to fandom yet. :)


thilia March 28 2012, 15:34:41 UTC
Do you ship Kendall/Carlos? Yusss. I ship everything.
If so why, if not why not? Because... do I need a reason? I mean...

... )


fairygrrl45 March 28 2012, 17:00:45 UTC
FabuloUs pictures love! And yah I feel like the boootay would have to be everyones favorite part or Carlos. It's so .......delicious. thanks for answering all of my ridiculous questions! :D


gargletwice March 29 2012, 00:16:41 UTC
I have been thinking about this pairing all day, after reading this post, and after hours and hours of pondering, I still can't see the magic that is Kendall/Carlos. That's not to say there isn't good fic out there. But I don't feel the a vibe beyond really really best friends with these two. Maybe it's that Carlos looks up to Kendall too much, and I almost see Carlos's at times childish behavior and impulsiveness as standing in for Kendall's, because Kendall's had to be man of the house and all for so long. Not that that stops him from a good prank, but not at the oblivious-to-self-harm level at which Carlos operates. I think it's probably really good for Kendall to hang out alone with Carlos and just be stupid sometimes. I love how compassionate, and passionate, Carlos is. I think he and Kendall could be very open about discussing their feelings, and very comforting to each other, but as a romantic couple... as to what makes them a couple other than lust... I must still need to be persuaded ( ... )


garnetice March 29 2012, 00:45:47 UTC
I'll play this game. And thank you for the rec. ♥

Do you ship Kendall/Carlos?: Is Kendall in this ship? Then I would say the answer is absofuckinglutely.

If so why, if not why not?: So I'm assuming you mean show!verse and not the rpf Kendall/Dustin/Carlos triangle that is legit going down. Aside from the obvious Schmidty I ship 'em because they're fun. I think the reason there's not that much kenlos-centric fic is because Carlos is a really hard character to tackle. Most people look at him, see the silly, and dismiss the idea that there could be something deeper. Which is ridiculous and shallow of them, because there has to be something deeper. Canonically, Kendall, Carlos, and James (or maybe just Carlos and James) were bffles from bbtimes. Whether you ship kames or not, you have to admit that James and Kendall are on equal footing and love to butt heads on a deeper level than plain old bickering, while Carlos...uh, doesn't so much. In all likelihood he was the third wheel, whether Kendall moved to town in early years or was there ( ... )


mooresomore March 29 2012, 18:38:21 UTC
I'll answer these on Satrday, when I get my day off, lol :) (There's way too much to do a quick type-up right now. :)!!)


mooresomore April 4 2012, 18:43:55 UTC
I haven't forgot- just have had way too much going on. Will do it this next 2 days I have off!! :)


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