
Nov 11, 2016 13:48

I know I've been away a lot ths year, but my recent excuse is a valid one. I'm a week and a half out from having a hysterectomy, and recovery hasnt been easy. Those of you who have had one know what I mean. I know I'm being impatient, which I have to stop. I have to give it time and get my rest ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

quickreaver November 11 2016, 20:13:10 UTC
DON'T RUSH RECOVERY! I know from whence I speak. Hang in there, bb.


bt_kady November 12 2016, 22:30:51 UTC
Thanks, Cris. I have people telling me to take time to recover, and then I have my sister telling me I should be over it by now, just because she was back to work in a week. I'm not her, though, and my surgery was more invasive than hers was. I also had issues after surgery she didn't have.


herminekurotowa November 12 2016, 16:32:53 UTC

... )


bt_kady November 12 2016, 22:31:18 UTC
Thanks, sweetie!


cillab42 November 12 2016, 16:58:25 UTC
Get well soon. It seems that you've had a rough year, hopefully next year will be better for you.


bt_kady November 12 2016, 22:31:35 UTC
I hope so!


amberdreams November 17 2016, 20:06:44 UTC
And on a happier note, did you see they did announce the Padababy will be a girl? :D


bt_kady November 26 2016, 16:42:01 UTC
Yep, I saw that! I'm thrilled!


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