Title: Pyramid and Principals
bsgroxmysox Rating: K
Summary: Principal Roslin discovers a different side of the Pyramid Coach...
A/N: Major thank you to
bsg_aussiegirl for the awesome beta job - especially because I know how busy she is and how much work it probably takes to make sense of my eratic writing! Love you aussie!!!
A/N2: I haven't forgotten Heart to Heart, but it's taking longer than I'd hoped. I'm not usually one for writing angst so this is killing me!
Laura pinched the bridge of her nose hoping to stave off the headache that had begun to pound at her temples.
Tory Foster continued screaming at the head of the Sports Department and the schools Pryamid Coach, Wiliaml Adama. Everytime Laura thought Tory was finished Adama would reply would a one or two word answer, bringing about a groan of frustration from Laura and causing Tory’s yelling to increase an octive.
Sensing Adama was about to reply again Laura couldn’t control her temper any longer. Bringing her hand down against the table hard enough to sting, she commanded their attention once more.
Her roar halted the flurry of insults from Tory and they both turned to face her, Tory’s face red from shrieking and Adama’s sporting his usual unreadable facade.
“Ms. Foster, I appreciate your predicament but resorting to that sort of language is not the best way to prove your point.”
She watched the young woman’s face redden in embarrassment before turning to the other occupant in the room. His grin was smug as if he believed he had already won this argument. Laura was looking forward to wiping that arrogant smile from his face.
“As for you, Mr. Adama, Ms. Foster is right; we can’t keep funnelling our funds into the Sports Department just because you bring home the trophies.
“This is first and foremost a school and these students are here to learn. As Principal, I need to allocate our funds where I see fit. Our desks are almost older than I am!”
The Pyramid Coach narrowed his eyes as she continued to make her point.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Adama, but I’m going to have to put my foot down on this matter. We will direct these funds toward purchasing new books and supplies, and then replacing the oldest desks. Whatever is left afterward can be used for whatever new equipment you deem essential.
“Is everyone happy with this solution?”
Tory was positively beaming at this news but Laura could see the strain Adama was under to stop himself from exploding. She dismissed them with a wave of her hand and went back to massaging her temples. Her earlier efforts hadn’t helped much and she could almost hear the dull thud of her headache echo around the room.
Releasing a deep sigh she moved to continue looking over the pages that lay scattered on her desk. It was only when she raised her head that she noticed Adama hadn’t left her office yet. He was standing silently watching her with a look of almost concern in his eyes. He had probably seen the weariness that was etched across her face when she thought she was alone.
Resuming her Principal Roslin mask she glared up at him.
“Was there something else you needed, Mr. Adama?”
He bristled slightly at her tone and clasped his hands in front of his stomach.
“If you could get the rest for free you would let my department have more money for what we need?”
She had no idea where he was going with this but there was something in the tone of his voice as he posed the question; something that made her lean back in her chair and answer him with a small smile.
“There’s still the matter of the desks but if we, by some miracle, obtain the other necessities for free, then yes, you can have more funds allocated to your department.”
He hummed at her answer, a deep sound that could almost have been mistaken for a growl and seemed so very him.
He moved toward her desk and picked up the pen from where it lay abandoned in front of her.
In an elegant scrawl not befitting a man of his build and gruffness he wrote an address on a scrap of paper and handed it to her.
“What’s this?” she asked.
“My address. Be there on Saturday, early. I’ll help you get what you need.”
With that he turned and left her office leaving her confused and still holding the piece of paper. What in the name of the Gods is he on about?
As she slipped the paper into her purse she was surprised to notice her headache had suddenly disappeared.
Chapter Two