Untitled - Laura/Maya

Jun 07, 2009 19:39

Author: smercy 
Title: untitled
Pairing: laura/maya
Rating: adult!
Summary: (none given)

New Caprica was frigid and bitter as always, even inside of the school tent. Whenever Maya exhaled, she could see her breath puffing in front of her, and the children had been making jokes about their breath as little sheep.

She was sorting school supplies, the flimsy stapled copies of old textbooks going into drawers where the wind couldn't ruin them, broken pencils in the box to be sent to recycling. Her fingers were numb, couldn't bend completely; and she was glad that Isis was in the pre-preschool tent where it was warmer.

Isis hated having a cold nose more than having a full diaper. Fifteen minutes after the end of the school day and Maya couldn't hear a single child. They were probably watching the Starbuck versus Anders pyramid showdown. Maya stuck her hands in her armpits, tiredly leaning against the filing cabinets, and listened to Laura quietly conference.

She couldn't see Laura through the chalkboard, but she could hear the way Laura's voice got all soft and concerned. Paulie's parents sat awkwardly in the children's seating, hunched over, while Laura talked about how he would panic whenever they started an astronomy lesson.

It wasn't an uncommon thing to see the children terrified of being forced off-planet again, it was probably Laura's third talk in a month. Time on New Caprica seemed to move glacially slow, and it felt like it had been years since the first time Maya had kissed Laura.

Kissed her up against the chalkboard on the unused side, just because she was cold and tired of idly flirting; and that kiss had gone on through a nasty gust of wind that had knocked out the nearest flood lamp until Maya somehow lost her shirt and was panting and completely liquid, and Laura was gasping into Maya's neck. And Maya was getting distracted again, excitement twisting in her gut.

Of course she knew that delaying the work only meant less Isis-free time, so Maya bit her lip and went to work reinforcing the spines of the newest shipment of school books, all ancient handwriting workbooks from before Maya was in school and she had no idea why anybody would hold on to those during the apocalypse.

She was so busy trying to stifle her giggles (because nobody had used that style of capital G for at least thirty years, and who keeps thirty year old mostly blank handwriting books?) Laura was completely behind her before Maya noticed. She winked and tugged on Maya's sleeve. "Storage corner," Laura whispered, and grabbed a blanket on her way.

The storage corner was even colder, since the hole in the tarp wasn't ever properly fixed no matter how much weatherproof tape they stuck on, and Laura was sitting on a pile of old computer manuals, her glasses placed on a high stack before Maya could get there.

She asked, "Good meeting," and wrapped her blanket around Laura's back while she hummed a wordless answer. Somehow, Laura's hands were always warm, especially as they guided Maya's chin down for a kiss. She had been waiting, and her body untensed in relief while tensing in anticipation. Laura tugged on her bottom lip just the right way with the warmth and the tingling and Maya almost fell in a heap on top of her.

"I'm ready for a break now," Laura said, shifting her face to Maya's shoulder and taking her hair down. And of course Maya was too, and she'd been thinking about this, just this point in the day, since lunchtime. Laura was so warm, so frakking warm, and Maya had no idea how she did it.

She just kissed Laura, settling into her lap and knees on the hard books, panting. It wasn't that Laura's mouth was fiery, it was just slow and delectable; the kisses always tugged at her gut and never seemed to stop. And Laura looked good, her hair curling at the ends and dishevelled in the sweater that fit.

Laura kissed well enough to make Maya almost forget that she was freezing and the blanket had a gap that blew cold air right up the leg of her pants. She was flushed, Maya could make Laura flush and whimper just a little in the back of her throat as Maya kissed over to her collarbone and nibbled.

She could forget almost anything when Laura was gasping like that, so worked up that she was squirming on the books. And Laura's eyes were dark like they always turned when she was ready to frak.

Gods, Maya was wet, but Laura was probably soaked. It probably didn't help Laura when Maya reached under her sweater and began groping a breast over the shirt, making little circles with her thumb. She wished she could taste Laura, and that she had another blanket, and that the books spontaneously turned into a mattress so that they could stretch out properly, and that Laura would groan like that again.

And Laura did groan again, but pinched one of Maya's nipples as she did it, and not too hard. Gods, she was so turned on and they could barely do anything. "Let's move this to the tent," Laura groaned, voice hoarse with pleasure.

But Maya knew better, that Laura was in no state to walk. She slid backwards, pretending to get up, but dropped to her knees instead, fastening her mouth to the spot right above Laura's left hipbone before she could protest. It was too cold to get fancy, no undressing, so Maya reached into Laura's pants and made quick circles around her clit, lapping at the hip while she did it.

Laura had to suppress the wailing before too long, leaning back on her elbows and hips jerking uncontrollably into Maya's hands. Gods, this was her favorite part, when Laura came, shuddering and flushed. She made Maya so wet, the way she put on her glasses and glared. Laura hissed, "Your tent, now." And Maya didn't argue.

She tried not to cling too badly to Laura's arm as they walked out, but her legs were trembling from the old awkward position and her knees were wobbling. Laura kept one arm around her shoulders, smiling, and Maya just buried her face in Laura's sweater and was so, so wet.

They walked slowly, nodding politely at everyone but Starbuck, who narrowed her eyes and made the face that she had always made since she walked in on the two of them, and then grabbed Anders's butt for effect once they'd passed.

And Gods, that memory was barely embarrassing, the look on Laura's face when Starbuck walked in, the way she looked completely composed even half naked with a girl between her legs, and then put on her glasses and said, "Kara," completely calmly. Maya was shivering and she wasn't sure of what was causing it, but it was probably Laura.

Once they were in the tent, Laura started the fire and put on the kettle while Maya got out the extra blankets. She didn't feel bad about taking an extra pillow from Isis's crib, since they would only use it for their heads. There was a nice little nest on her mattress, just big enough to get the job done.

She sat in the center of it, watching her lover's hands as she worked. Laura walked over to the mattress and pulled the covers over them, stroking Maya's hair while they waited for the blankets to warm enough to get undressed. But Laura knew that she could barely stand it when people stroked her hair, and she was already so damn wet, and Maya was frustrated enough to cry. And Laura knew it, and she knew that Maya knew it, and that just made her pulse race almost too fast.

They undressed with the covers over their heads, pushing the discarded clothes over to the corner. Maya got a bra strap caught on her elbow on the way out, and fastened her mouth to Laura's nipple as soon as it was available. Laura was caught between laughter and surprise and gasping with the sensation.

Maya knew that it wasn't about getting off herself, because she had fingers that worked fine, it was about Laura. This was about watching Laura Roslin, former President of the Twelve Colonies crying out and grinding against her hand.

Maya knew how to play dirty, sucking Laura's neck while stroking both nipples until they were so, so hard. She knew how close Laura was by the gasps and the quickness of her breathing, and the way she moaned, "Maya."

Like Maya was the center of her universe, even when she was trembling and so unbearably wet and not focused enough. Laura pulled her up for an impatient kiss just as Maya moved her hands downward, stroking between Laura's legs.

Maya could barely notice that the angle was better through the kisses and the heat and Laura grabbing at the small of her back. She was throbbing so badly, and the only way to make it better was to strum her fingers over Laura's clit and listen for the cries.

Maya could barely hear Laura through her own moaning, and she'd never really been vocal, but Laura had a thing that she did with her fingers and frakking Gods Laura had slipped her thigh between her legs and was pushing. She was so wet, and Laura's thigh was firm and Maya broke the kiss to cry out, biting her tongue to keep from coming right there.

Laura was wet too, arching into Maya's fingers. They had a rhythm in between the kisses and Maya's fingers and pressing up against Laura's leg again and again because Gods, she couldn't help it. The heat was pooled in her gut, heavy and liquid and everything made it worse.

When Laura moved her knee in time with the thrusts, and when Laura choked on her moans, and when Laura looked straight into Maya's eyes as she came. She was almost there, and Laura was twisting and holding her tight, panting, and it just felt too frakking good.

Maya came, and it was like combustion through all of her everywhere, aching and aching until she had no breath and the pleasure had overwhelmed everything. It took a while for her senses to come back through the quivering, and Laura was kissing her shoulder.

"Good girl," Laura murmured. "Good." Maya turned and lay her head between Laura's breasts, trying to compose herself. The blankets were pleasantly heated, and she couldn't see her breath in the air. Laura was humming low in her throat, and Maya knew that she'd see a smile if she looked.

They had to wait for the sweat to dry before getting back into their clothes, but Maya liked just being close to Laura. Laura absently traced patterns on her shoulder while they waited, not speaking. It was good, it was relaxing.

Except for the part where Maya had hair stuck in her teeth and one bra strap turned out to be stretched out too far, but Laura laughed and made everything feel more tolerable. She was sleepy, but Maya knew that she couldn't sleep, at least not until Tory got back with Isis.

Laura began to comb Maya's hair with her fingers, just at the ends. The old kettle took forever to boil, but after a few minutes they propped themselves up on the mattress and drank very lightly leaf flavored hot water. Laura's hair looked exactly as good after frakking, and she still smelled good afterwards, and she had that post-frak glow that made her really radiant.

As she waited, Maya could feel the cold settling back into her bones, and the way her joints creaked, and the way she really wanted a cigarette and some toothpaste. Laura wasn't talking much, and Maya knew that whatever she was thinking about was probably best left alone.

She wasn't even really curious, she just liked listening to Laura's heart beating and the sound of the wind moving the tents. They worked together all day long, and sometimes it was better to just be together and quiet.

And it wasn't that she was uncomfortable, just sleepy and tired of being so frakking cold all the time. It would get better, Maya knew, when Gaius Baltar was ousted and they got some real leadership, and they could plant some real vegetable gardens.

It would be better once Isis was home and they had eaten dinner, and it would be better once she could frak Laura again. Maya just had to tolerate this, keep busy with work and her daughter, keep her head buried in Laura's shoulder, stay warm and healthy; this was good, enough. After all, she knew in her gut that this horrible planetary settlement wasn't going to last forever.

ffc01, 'lost year', laura/maya

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