What Happens On Kobol (Zarek/Lee)

Mar 16, 2008 18:34

Tom Zarek kneels on cold metal, turns his face, waits for a gunshot. Adama’s boy is holding his gun straight like they taught at soldier school, and his face is bloody from the fight. This is the moment Zarek replays in his mind night after night, when Apollo held him in the palm of his hand; when something passed between them, a little like hate, a little like lust.

Now, here on Kobol, their roles are reversed. Zarek presses the barrel of his pistol to Apollo’s forehead, blood dripping from his split lip, and the power courses through his veins like the meanest, greenest Ambrosia from a grotty bar.

“Frak,” mutters the boy.

“Shut up,” he replies, and tries to quell his shaking. “Count to ten. Say a prayer. You’ll be dead by the end.”

“Don’t do this, Zarek. What do you think, you’ll just get away with this? My father-”

“Zeus will smite me, huh? And what if they never find your body? Kobol’s a big frakking planet. Maybe the cylons came in the night and dragged you away before you could make a sound,”

His outer confidence is a lie, and he curses himself inwardly for rushing things. This was Meier’s idea - he should have let Meier deal with it - but the kid was driving him nuts and the gun seemed like a simple solution. Of course he’d have better access to Roslin as a result - a nice side effect of offing his biggest distraction. Drawing him away from the camp was easy enough, with both of them on watch at the same time - did you hear that? Shouldn’t we go and investigate? No, don’t wake the others. They need their sleep.

Apollo seems to slump in defeat for a moment, and Zarek’s heart soars. It’s a trick, of course, and the younger man springs forward, knocking the gun out of the way before Zarek can press the trigger. Once more they are back to fighting with fists and teeth, but this time the dirty tricks Zarek learned in prison are anticipated and the men are more evenly matched.

Apollo pushes Zarek into the ground, pinioning his arms. Zarek kicks out and rolls on top of his opponent, landing a blow to his head. Apollo punches Zarek’s ear and the man falls sideways, but regaining his composure forces Apollo to the ground once more.

“I will kill you with my bare hands if I have to,” Zarek whispers, panting, leaning heavily on the younger man. Now, once more, the power rests solely with him - once more, Apollo gives him a look that burns right into his core.

He leans in and presses his lips to Apollo’s. Apollo kisses back, and for a minute or more it’s all teeth and tongues and Zarek can’t be sure now whether he wants to kill him or frak him. With Meier he is gentle, but then Meier isn’t under his skin like this kid.

They are both breathing heavily now (but no longer from the fight). Apollo slips his hand under Zarek’s shirt, into Zarek’s trousers, around Zarek’s cock. Zarek bites the pilot’s lip and he shudders beneath him.


This time it’s Zarek who mutters the expletive, and Apollo silences him with a rough kiss as he pushes upwards, rolling Zarek over so he’s the one on his back. He has to close his eyes as Apollo’s hand moves faster, and he presses into the soil. There’s something wonderful about having dark earth under his fingernails again.

There’s a tightening now, and he sucks his breath in. There’s a tree root at the small of his back but he’s past discomfort. As he comes, he remembers the Quorum and Apollo’s breath on his neck as he whispered to him, remembers the boy’s admission that he read his book in college, remembers the time he cried the wrong name in bed with Meier. He doesn’t believe in the gods, but right now he feels like an immortal.

Apollo wipes blood, sweat and come onto the Kobol grass. He leans close to Zarek’s ear and says,

“Still want to kill me?”

Zarek shakes his head.

fic: lee/zarek, fic: meier/zarek, event: blind ficathon

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