Fic: Amazing Grace 1/1 Gaeta/Apollo

Mar 09, 2008 06:41

Title: Amazing Grace.
Author: Lopaka Tanu
Disclaimer: I do not own BattleStar Galactica 2003.
Characters: Lee, Felix.
Words: 1085
Prompt: The Hangar Deck
Fandom: BattleStar Galactica 2003
Pairing: Apollo/Gaeta
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language
Summary: It's starts with regret, but ends up something a little like hope.
Author's Note: Spoilers 1x01 '33'

He sat staring up at his Viper. Only hours earlier, he had been sitting in the cockpit, pulling the trigger that possibly ended over thirteen hundred lives. No one would ever really know the whole truth of why it happened. All he knew was that the potential of that hanging over his head for the rest of his life was almost too much to bare.

The deck had been cleared, giving the flight crew a much needed rest. That meant Lee should have been alone. The fact he could actually hear the approaching foot steps gave testament to that fact both ways. As they drew near, he refused to look away from his vigil.

Their owner stopped behind and slightly to the right of him. For several minutes, all that could be heard of above the ship's own sounds was breathing. Closing his eyes, the scent of the other man hit him. Lee lowered his head, allowing himself to relax.

Kneeling down, Felix tentatively reached out to lay a hand upon Lee's shoulder. When he wasn't rebuffed, he squeezed ever so gently.

Lee raised his head. The world in front of him was blurry with tears. It would have to be okay, he had to go on.

Shifting so he could sit directly behind the pilot, Felix wrapped both his arms around Lee. He pulled the captain flush with his chest, giving the man rest against him. While Lee settled in to his embrace, Felix pressed his lips to the older man's temple.

He didn't realize they were rocking until the deck seemed to shift beneath him. Slowly, he moved from side to side in time with his breathing. Lee could feel Felix's breath across his neck, matching his own. The comfort of their embrace touched something inside him and he let it go.

Closing his eyes, Lee let Felix do all the rocking. He didn't want to fight it. The pull of sleep grew too strong and he wasn't afraid of what he would find there any longer. Slumping, boneless, he dropped his head to the other man's shoulder and drifted off.

Kissing Lee's temple once more, Felix continued to hum as he rocked.


He awoke several times, unable to continue sleeping due to his dreams. Each time he did, a strong hand on his back would sooth him back in to dreamless sleep. As he would drift off, the same calming voice eased the way.

Lee wasn't sure how long he chased the night mares and memories. Time held no meaning in the comforting embrace. He was certain there had been other people around on more than one occasion. At some time, he had felt himself being carried.

When, eventually, he did feel ready to awaken fully, he was alone.


The air was somber, people walking around in a daze as the truth of what had happened sank in. Everyone they had loved was lost to them. All they had now was their duty. That meant, unlike the civilians, they had not the time to grieve. There was ships to rebuild, patrols to fly, lives to be saved.

Lee watched all this, feeling apart from it. Walking the decks, clipboard in hand, he knew he should be busy some where. Everyone here had lost so much, yet they strived to continue. Still, he found himself uselessly drifting the Galactica.

Eventually, he found himself in the CIC. Even there the crew was busy trying to instill order upon humanity. His father was on the wireless, probably talking with the president. Lee wanted to say something, but nothing he had to speak on was important enough. Instead, he drifted over to the DRADIS console.

He knew the moment Felix glanced up why he had come there. Leaning over the console, he let his fingers block the top of the screen. This caused the Lieutenant to look up from his work. Whatever he had been thinking of went right out his ear along with the rest of his brain. Lee just stood there grinning.

For a second, Felix had no reaction but to stare at the Captain. Eventually, his own smile started to form. Leaning on the console, he inched closer to Lee. When they were only a few inches apart, he reached up and flicked Lee on the nose. "You're blocking my screen."

"Anyone ever tell you you're cute when you're distracted?" Lee was mouthing the line to himself after he said it, wondering what the hell possessed him.

Rolling his eyes, Felix focused back on his work. "Just because we've slept together doesn't mean I'm easy enough to fall for that one."

The sudden silence in the CIC was cut by the falling of a clipboard.

Felix looked up in surprise, noticing he and Lee were at the center of attention. Cheeks darkening in embarrassment, he forced himself to face the screen.

Coughing, Lee cleared his throat and picked up his clipboard. Setting it on top of Felix's console, he walked around to see what was so fascinating. He could still feel the occasional eyes on them, but chose to ignore it.

"I'm kind of busy here, sir. If you need something, I can check it over in about fourty-minutes when I go on break." Typing in a string of code, Felix checked his DRADIS screen to see if it had any changes.

"Actually, if you wouldn't mind, we could take your break together." That got Lee the desired results. When Felix slowly looked up at him, he reached out to stroke two fingers along the younger man's jaw. Lifting Felix's chin, he smiled and leaned down until they were almost touching.

Swallowing, Felix licked his lips. "Sir. This is inappropriate."

"I don't care." And to prove it, he leaned over that last bit of distance and pressed their lips together. Felix's lips were soft and a little moist. He kissed him once, then once more before pulling back. Lee trailed his thumb over the Lieutenant's lips. "Take your break with me. We can go from there."

Closing his eyes, Felix nodded.

"You've got your frakkin answer, now get the hell out!"

Lee jumped back from the DRADIS console, turning to face Tigh. Feeling his face grow hot, he noticed the Colonel wasn't the only one watching him. Saluting, he beat a hasty retreat from the CIC.

Turning to the old man, Tigh shook his head. "Pilot's, they're like teenagers with half the maturity."

Adama could only nod before going back to his conversation.

THE END...................

fic: gaeta/lee, event: blind ficathon

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