Title: Not a Person (The Pick Your Side Remix)
Characters: Felix Gaeta, Sweet!Eight, Noel Allison, Sharon Agathon
Pairing: Felix/Noel, Athena/Helo, Felix/Sweet!Eight
Rating: Explicit/Mature
Warnings: Scenes of sex of dubious consent
Summary: Things he remembers after it’s over.
Original Story:
Pick Your Side by
lorrainemarker (
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Comments 16
Well drawn out, well written, subtly moving under the reader's skin with the changing emotions of Felix.
And then the plot. Adding little ohnoes on ohnoes and ultimately thoroughy unnerving me.
Very human in the well displayed details of the emotions.
Marvelous remix work.
Felix was so interesting to write in this piece, especially in contrast to how he was portrayed in Face of the Enemy. It was a fine line to walk between sympathy for Sweet!Eight and for Felix. Neither of them went into it innocent or came out of it happy.
I'm so glad you liked it!
Part of this process for me was recognizing how cool the remix concept is - it's really fun and interesting to write a story you wouldn't have written yourself (for whatever reason) from a different perspective, and finding those moments and images in it that resonate.
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