Welcome To Battlestar Galactica Recovery!

Jan 13, 2009 08:42

I'm Rap M. and I am a recovering BSG addict :)

And if you're here, so are you, and thats ok. :)

This comm was created for those of who have been waiting for the final season, not with excitement but with dread. We love the show, but somewhere, that love turned into a meth crazed junkie pounding down our door, demanding five dollars for an unsatisfying hit. Something went wrong in the show, and instead of squeeing, we're... counting the bodies and wishing for what might have been.

This comm is the place where you can admit you aren't happy with how BSG evolved. You can criticize the writing, the acting, ask those questions that remain unanswered - like for example, "Just what happened to the rape farms?"

Here you can speculate about what might have been. Fics, vids, wild ass what-if-they-had-done-this stuff, go for it. Here, its ok to say you weren't happy with the writing, the acting.....

bop_radar and I realized that its like this giant elephant wandering across our journals, that the show isn't what it once was, and everyone seems afraid to admit how they are feeling, so... here is the place to express how you feel.

Welcome! The first step is admitting you have a problem with BSG :)


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