Title: Crossroads
Author: Femvamp
Disclaimer: I have a love/hate relationship with this show. I love the show. Hate that I don't own it.
Note: SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS. If you haven't seen Crossroads Part 2 - Season 3 Finally DON'T READY ANY FURTHER. Trust me. Stop Here.
Pairning: Tory/Roslin
As the battle raged around them. A battle that wasn't really a battle. Tory kept thinking how wrong things had gone. She couldn't be a cylon. It wasn't possible and yet she knew deep down inside that she was. It was true. It was all true.
That wasn't even the hardest thing to digest. Her being a cylon. What was harder was that Colonel Tigh was also a Cylon. If anyone was in the least likely catogory it would be him. He hated Cylons.......He hated......
Oh gods she was Cylon. How could that be possible. Cylons were machines. President Roslin had said so on many occasions. The only person who hated Cylons has much as Colonel Tigh was Laura Roslin. Everyone knew she gotta a certain glee from airlocking......
Oh Gods.....
Colonel Tigh was right. It didn't matter what else she was. She was also Torry Foster aid and sometimes lover to President Laura Roslin. She could be both. She could be all three.
She was a Cylon.
But she was loyal to the humans.
She was loyal to the President.
She would protect Laura with her life.
She woild protect the humans until her death.
Everything else didn't matter. Tory Foster knew who she was.