Ficlet: Make This Go On Forever (Cain/Kendra)

Jan 02, 2008 23:08

Pairing: Cain/Kendra
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: for Razor
Notes: Written for the Sekrit Cabal Ficlet Battle at cerebel_fics.
Prompt: Time

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Cain’s fingers trace swirls on the inside of Kendra’s thigh; Kendra shivers, her eyes closing, her head tilting back against the pillow.

“Kendra,” says Cain, softly. She moves to the crease of Kendra’s thigh, teasing, and Kendra doesn’t feel it in her to object. She just wants, all the more.

Kendra feels the touch of Cain’s lips against her stomach -

Opens her eyes, and meets Cain’s gaze.

There’s too much there. Cain could stare down armies of Cylons; she could shoot her XO in cold blood and never flicker in her resolve. And she fixes this look on Kendra, in a moment this vulnerable, this open, and Kendra feels like she’s the only person in the universe. That this is the only thing left that really matters.

Cain’s fingers are rough inside her - not clumsy, not cruel, but brisk, intent. And Kendra’s spine arches, in a struggle against what Cain tries to take from her.

It’s useless, though. She can sob and whisper and groan the pleasure out, in ragged gasps, and it doesn’t matter. She gives it up, every time, twisting in aimless ecstasy under Cain’s hands.

Cain kisses Kendra’s stomach, her breastbone, her neck. Her hands worship, now - they soothe - and Kendra moves into the kiss, open as it is, needy as it is. Cain’s fingers curl around the back of Kendra’s neck, still wet, and Kendra ignores it. Pretends to ignore all of this, everything she shouldn’t be able to sense tearing beneath the surface, the cold calm of her commanding officer.

Is this love? she wonders, as Cain’s tongue touches hers, as Cain holds her close.

Maybe Kendra is supposed to notice the quiet desperation in Cain’s touch. Maybe it’s not a sign of vulnerability, of weakness, but of closeness.

“How long do we have?” Kendra asks, quietly.

“We should already be back,” says Cain. She doesn’t make a move; doesn’t say another word.

Kendra closes her eyes, and feels Cain’s arm wrap around her shoulders. It doesn’t take her long to fall asleep.

rating: nc-17, kendra/cain

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