masterlist to (stage 0)

Aug 08, 2007 13:32

the masterlist is getting huge and unwieldy, which is great for the world of BSG femslash but not so great in terms of actual functionality. plus I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep maintaining it indefinitely (livejournal only allows ME to edit the post). I've been thinking for some time that it would be a good investment to convert the masterlist to (a social bookmarks manager that a lot of fandom has started using). so, dear readers, I come to you seeking two things:


how do YOU think our should be organized?? as you can see, I set up a tag structure there -- is there anything you think should be added/subtracted/changed? there will be tags for each author, too, but I figured we'd create those as we go. the pairing tags are mostly lifted from this community's tags. crossovers are a conundrum -- I separated out those pairings, and thought we could keep them mostly by character except for the most common ones, but I'm open to other ideas.

I also added my latest story as a sample link. my suggested format is:
title - author (pairing) [rating] {date}
summary (if any) - special notes (if any)


obviously the transition is a big job, and splitting it up will make it much easier. so I'm soliciting volunteers who are willing to tag ~50 links (I'm estimating this is 1-2 hours of work). please reply with your email address if you're interested, and I'll contact you with further details.


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