BSG fic: How Apollo Took On Dionysus, And Lost (or the futility of denying the obvious) K/L NC-17

Jan 14, 2008 23:29

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Author: elzed
Pairing: Kara/Lee
Rating: NC-17.
Spoilers: Season One, first half of Season Two-ish... Set both pre-mini and mid-season Two, pre-Pegasus.
Wordcount: 11,100 or so.
Disclaimer: The characters, alas, do not belong to me, nor does the show. No profit made nor sought.

Betaed by the peerless overnighter; checked for canon consistency by the lovely bop_radar and helen_c) for which heartfelt thanks.

How Apollo Took On Dionysus, And Lost (or the futility of denying the obvious) 1/2 because it's a bit long for a single post...
How Apollo Took On Dionysus, And Lost (or the futility of denying the obvious) 2/2

Crossposted to a gazillion other comms, so apologies if it keeps spamming your flist...


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