Check out the interview that my online magazine did with Grace Park recently. If you know of any great spots to post this link, feel free to do so. Please do not post any of the content of this interview.
So, Quantum Mechanix has started selling replica BSG dogtags, and I'd love to get one. However, at this point, they're only selling them in sets of seven (a little over $104 for the set, it breaks down to just about 15 bucks each, plus around two bucks each for shipping
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Just a small notation that I am currently soliciting participants in a Billy Keikeya ficathon to be run later this year. If you or anyone you know is interested, please go to this post to read the rules and regulations and to sign up.
Hey, I checked the rules and IF this is not allowed; stone me, throw me to the wolves and delete this post! I'm here pimping my new community,
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