For the WIP Challenge ...

Dec 27, 2005 11:01

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Comments 23

karihan December 27 2005, 16:22:26 UTC
Oooooo!!! More, please! (I'm so demanding. ;)

this woman who probably deserves better than being a pawn in a game you decided to play when you had too much to drink.

Probably the only time Bill felt any real sympathy for Ellen, hmmmmm?


ingridmatthews December 27 2005, 16:23:51 UTC
Probably the only time Bill felt any real sympathy for Ellen, hmmmmm?

HA! He doesn't know her yet ... *lol*


ofparsnip December 27 2005, 16:24:59 UTC
Ellen tried to decipher it, but she wasn't very good at reading sober people.

This is so Ellen, and it cracks me up to no end. You've got her pegged. I can't wait for more!


ingridmatthews December 27 2005, 16:28:14 UTC
Thank you! She's kinda single-minded our Ellen, isn't she? :D


firelakie December 27 2005, 16:37:28 UTC


ingridmatthews December 27 2005, 16:38:41 UTC
*grin* Bad Ellen!


firelakie December 27 2005, 17:52:33 UTC
I know. I think I like her character. Pardon me, I'm only on episode five of s2 so if our fair missus Tigh gets craftier . . .


poisontaster December 27 2005, 18:33:39 UTC
Ahhh....sweet like candy. *laughs* You can make me buy into the most unlikely pairings and still keep them perfectly in character. I should hate you for it, but I'm usually giggling too hard!


ingridmatthews December 27 2005, 21:10:07 UTC
Now *that's* a compliment! *warm fuzzies*


ingridmatthews December 27 2005, 21:12:42 UTC
PS: I'm in a porny mood, so I might be blaming you for a Gaeta/Dee smut throwaway later on. I think it's from having "Crash" perpetually open on a tab.

(I'm starting to be able to quote long parts of it, like "Star Wars". Scary isn't it?)


poisontaster December 27 2005, 22:00:34 UTC
Now see, THAT'S a compliment! *blushes* And I stand ready and capable of shouldering the blame for ANY and all G/D smut that happens to find it's way from your imagination. *salutes*


wickedgillie December 27 2005, 23:47:49 UTC
ingrid, ingrid, ingrid. how i let you corrupt me like this, i will never know.

excellent characterizations, btw! like bill, i actually had a moment where i felt for ellen. now THAT is some good writing!


ingridmatthews December 28 2005, 02:14:05 UTC
Hee! I'm a bad influence and loving it! :D

Yeah, Ellen isn't exactly a sympathetic character, is she?


wickedgillie December 28 2005, 02:19:17 UTC
Sympathetic? Not so much! But I am letting go of my previous insistance that she is a cylon. I think she's just a REALLY co-dependent drunk with issues up the wazzu!


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