Redemption (The Second Chances Remix), for beatrice_otter

Apr 20, 2012 07:16

Title: Redemption (The Second Chances Remix)
Author: rococoms
Summary: Eight months after settling on Earth, Sharon Valerii asks to meet with Admiral Adama- and Laura Roslin wants to know why.
Characters: Sharon “Boomer” Valerii, Sharon “Athena” Agathon, Caprica, Laura Roslin, Bill Adama
Pairings: Adama/Roslin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: A/U after Crossroads
Original story: Absolution by Beatrice_Otter
Beta Thanks: plausiblyremote

She first heard about it from Caprica, who let the bombshell drop in the same understated way she had previously revealed so many shattering revelations. ‘I was involved in the destruction of the Twelve Colonies. I’m pregnant with Saul’s child. Sharon Valerii wants to speak to the Admiral.’

It took Laura a full minute to realize what the blonde was really saying, that this was not the Sharon that shuttled them up here a few hours ago, the one who had shown her loyalty to them time and again.

“Sharon Valerii… Boomer?”

Caprica nodded solemnly, and Laura shifted position atop the thin cot in Lifestation to consider the woman next to her fully. She was well aware that Caprica was one of the few who was allowed to travel freely between the cylon and colonial factions on Earth without question or reproach, so she had no doubt the woman’s information was good. Even now that she was heavy with child and confined by her husband to shuttling between the Colonial encampment and Galactica’s Lifestation for frequent monitoring, Caprica’s position as the unofficial ambassador between their people had continued. There was no reason for Laura to doubt the messenger; the message, however, was another story.

“After all these months, why would she want to speak to him now? What could she possibly want from him, from us?”

Caprica waited to answer until Cottle had unhooked the drip from Laura’s arm, lectured them both on staying quiet and hydrated, ranted at them for being foolish enough to return to the surface in their conditions, and sent them on their way with a gruff but fond huff. When Laura suggested Caprica might want to stay aboard longer to visit with Saul she declined, and Laura couldn’t help but smile at how seriously the cylon woman has taken the task unofficially assigned to her. It’s a sign of how far they’ve all come that while he’s away discussing military matters with the Earth governments, Bill has entrusted her safety to one previously seen as the enemy. The trust doesn’t extend much past their small circle, but it’s enough. A three-way peace between the colonials, cylons and native Earthers has been erected on the back of fragile accords such as this

They walk slowly through the mostly-empty halls of Galactica towards the hangar bay, and Laura imagines they make quite a sight: Caprica, who still manages to be stunning at eight months pregnant, and herself, pale, exhausted and vaguely nauseous, even as the combined diloxin/earth cocktail being pumped into her is seemingly gaining purchase against her cancer.

“I think that she is having trouble adjusting to living among the cylons.” Caprica resumed the thread of the conversation, and at Laura’s puzzled look, continued.

“Sharon- Boomer- she’s not like the other Eights, or the Sixes, or any of the others, for that matter. She was programmed to infiltrate the humans, but in her mind, she was human. She lived her life, suffered tragedies and experienced love and friendship. After she attacked the Admiral and was killed, she resurrected aboard the baseship, but she’s never forgotten what her life was like before. She doesn’t… fit in with the other Eights. In a way, she’s more like the Final Five, with real memories and experiences.”

Laura considered this as they entered the hangar bay. “But after all this time, what does she want from the Admiral?”

“I don’t know. Some kind of connection to her former life maybe, or perhaps she wants to apologize for hurting the admiral.”

“Hurting him?” Laura’s voice rose sharply, gaining the attention of the few knuckledraggers working on the deck, and she quickly modulated her tone out of their earshot. “She shot him twice in the chest. It’s a miracle he survived at all.”

Caprica nodded, understanding flashing in her eyes. “I know. But still, she wants to talk to him. And I think she’s going to be persistent.”

Greeting Athena at the wing of the raptor, Laura gratefully took the proffered assistance up onto the Raptor’s wing, and waited for Caprica to join her before entering the craft and settling into the seat for the short ride back to the surface.

“I’d like to speak to her. Can you make that happen, quietly?”

Caprica looked like she was going to argue, but thought better of it and instead nodded once. “I’ll make the arrangements.”

Laura wasn’t sure what she expected the cylon compound on Earth to look like, but she was quite sure she didn’t expect it to remind her so strongly of their own Colonial Headquarters on the other side of the planet. A few basic building modifications in deference to the colder climate on this part of the hemisphere were the most obvious differences she could make out, and while their own Great Hall now proudly displayed the Flags of the Twelve Colonies that had for years resided aboard Galactica, the Cylon version was stark and crisp, but devoid of the faintly alien, technological design that had adorned the basestars. Laura found it faintly disconcerting to realize that were it not for the fact that unarmed centurions were standing guard at every doorway, it would be hard to tell the difference between this place and any other typical government building she had been in on Earth or back home on the Colonies.

Unable to attend the meeting herself, Caprica had appointed Athena to watch over Laura on this trip, and she followed Laura with unease clearly marked on her features as a Six guided them through a maze of hallways. If any of the cylons thought it odd to see Laura Roslin striding through their compound without fanfare or armed guard save for a singular raptor pilot, they didn’t show it. She was led to an open door, and a quick look inside found a typical looking conference room, empty but for a large table and several chairs around it. The Six stopped at the doorway and indicated for Laura to enter before turning on her heel and leaving.

Laura stepped into the room and leaned one hand on the conference table, before turning towards Athena.

“You don’t have to stay for this. I know it has to be uncomfortable for you.”

Athena looked torn, but her voice was resolute. “I’ll stay. If the Admiral ever finds out that I brought you here, and that I left you alone with her, he’ll kill me himself.”

Laura smiled, and conceded the point. Though her own relationship with the cylon woman was strained at best, Athena’s loyalty to Bill at this point was beyond question.

“Then we’ll have to makes sure he never finds out about this.”

Athena nodded in agreement, and then whipped herself to attention at the sound of footsteps approaching. She moved to stand at Laura’s side just as three Eights walked into the room, the two on the side flanking the one in the middle.

She hadn’t seen Boomer for almost two years, but the casual clothes and shorter haircut did nothing to disguise the veiled hatred and aggression that came over her features when she spotted Laura. Laura shivered and pushed back a sudden bolt of fear before forcing herself to greet the young woman as amicably as possible.


“Madam President. This is a… surprise.”

“I imagine it is. Would you like to sit?” Laura gestured towards the table, but made no move to take a seat herself.

“No.” Boomer took a few steps forward, and faced off against Laura across the table. They stood silently, each studying the other for long minutes before Boomer blinked. “I don’t understand. Why are you here?”

Laura took a deep breath. “I heard that you wanted to speak to the Admiral.” It was the truth, it just wasn’t the entire truth.

Boomer’s indignant snort indicated that she also found the excuse flimsy. “So I make one inquiry about sending a communiqué, and suddenly I get a visit of the President of the Colonies?” Her eyes flashed angrily. “Did he send you to talk to me? Because I have nothing to say to you.” She looked around the room suddenly. “And where are your guards? Aren’t you afraid I’m going to hurt you?”

She felt Athena stiffen next to her, and reflexively reach for her weapon. Without taking her eyes off of Boomer, Laura waved for Sharon to relax, and returned the barrage of questions slowly. “I’m not the President any more. The Admiral didn’t send me. He doesn’t even know I’m here. He doesn’t know anything about your request. And I think if you wanted to kill me, you’ve had plenty of opportunities before now to do so.”

Boomer seemed to consider Laura’s words, and slowly her posture relaxed slightly. Laura let her own guard down a bit, and leaned forward on the table, hoping the young woman might actually listen to her.

“The Admiral has had a lot of adjustments to make since we came here. They haven’t been easy on him. The last thing he needs right now is for you to remind him of the people he loved and trusted who have betrayed him. He’s had enough of that for a lifetime.”

Boomer turned away, and Laura glanced at Athena, who only shrugged her shoulders. When Boomer turned back to look at them, the anger in her eyes was muted, and combined with something she could only identify as sadness.

“I didn’t know. That’s what I want to tell him. There were signs that something wasn’t right, but I swear I didn’t know what was going to happen. I never would have hurt him.. he was… the crew was… they were all I had.”

The words reminded Laura of what Caprica had told her- that Boomer had lived most of her life as a human, thinking she was human. Two nights ago while Bill had been working late, Laura had found Boomers fleet file deep in the bottom drawer of his desk, and whether it was all true, or just implanted memories by the cylons, what Laura had read about the woman’s background had hit close to home.

“Boomer.. Sharon…” The young woman looked up from where she had been staring down at the table, her knuckles white from gripping the chair in front of her so tightly. “I know what it feels like to lose your family. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

Boomer stared at her for a long moment, studying her face intently. At last satisfied that Laura’s sentiments were genuine, she nodded once.

Laura gave her a tight smile, and walked towards the exit. As she reached the doorway she turned around and once more caught Boomer’s gaze in her own.

“Wait a little bit longer for everything to calm down. I can’t promise you anything. But I’ll do what I can.”

Boomer recovered quickly from the shock of Laura’s words, straightening her shoulders and standing up fully. “Thank you, ma’am.”

Laura tipped her head in acknowledgement, and gave the woman another long glance before turning and walking out of the room with Athena following close behind.




“If you don’t stop playing with it, it’s never going to grow back.”

“Sorry.” Reluctantly he pulled his hand away from the fine dusting of auburn hairs gaining purchase on her scalp. At his hurt expression, she nudged his chest with her forehead teasingly. “Did anyone ever tell you you’re a very impatient person? It’s only been three weeks since my last treatment. It’s going to take years for it to grow out.”

“Doesn’t matter. It’s perfect just like this.” She looked up to find him smirking at her with a mischievous gleam in his eye.

“Maybe for you it is, but I for one would like to go through the rest of my life with more hair than Saul.”

He caught the emphasis in her wording immediately, and pushed back from her so that he could fully examine her expression. “Laura?” His voice was a combination of trepidation and hope, and try as she might she couldn’t manage to keep a wide grin from spreading onto her face. “Cottle called earlier. The Earth doctors confirmed his results. I’m in remission.”

Bill’s breath caught as full meaning of her words consumed him. They had been taking it one day at a time for almost a year, and despite all the tiny victories- catching it early, her tumor slowly shrinking, and most importantly the Earthers being willing to share their technology and medicines- still they had never dared to speak of any kind of a future that wasn’t measured in short bursts of time. When Cottle had told them several days ago that her latest scans were clear, he couldn’t help but think that the other shoe would have to drop, and that the Earth technology would find something Galactica’s scanners had not. But now…the idea that they had a future here together, on Earth, was more than he could fathom.

“I take it that’s the good kind of stunned silence?” Laura teased him, her eyes bright with tears.

“It’s wonderful. I’m…” the rest of his words were cut off as she kissed him forcefully, the reality of the news finally hitting both of them.

Later, as Laura lay in his arms, she idly ran her fingers along his scar, following the path downward as it bisected his chest.

“I heard you got some interesting news today too.” She spoke quietly, not wanting to wake him if he was already asleep.

“Hmm? Oh, that.” His entire body went rigid, and Laura immediately regretted bringing it up. She continued to run her fingers along his skin until he began to relax again.

“What did Boomer want?”

His voice was tight. “Didn’t say, Just that she wanted to speak with me.”

“Are you going to do it?”

“No. There’s nothing she could say that I want to hear.”

She rested her head on his outstretched arm, and sighed contentedly as he pulled her closer to him. Looking up at him, Laura smiled.

“Whatever you decide is right for you. But Bill… this is a new chance, a new life- for all of us. As hard as it is, maybe it’s time to move on.”

He studied her again, pulling back to look at her, staring into her eyes for a long moment before shaking his head. “I’ll think about it.”

Laura sighed. “That’s all I ask.”

“What about you?” At her questioning look, he continued. “Are you going to take that Education position now?”

“I’m considering it.” She said slowly, and for the first time she really was. “I didn’t want to commit to it before...” she looked up at him and he nodded his understanding. ‘But now, I suppose I need to look to the future as well. A new curriculum has to be developed for the children, to make sure they’re being taught what they need to live here on Earth. But they need to remember where they came from too- the only way the colonies will ever be remembered is if we teach them to the children.”

“Sounds like you’ve already made up your mind to do it.”

Laura thought about this for a moment, then nodded. “I guess I have.”

Bill moved in to kiss her again. “To new lives, Madam Secretary”

Laura smiled broadly. “To new lives.”
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