Lying by Omission, for rirenec

Apr 18, 2012 08:18

Title: Lying by Omission
Author: rayruz
Characters: Kara Thrace, Lee Adama
Pairings: Kara/Lee
Rating: R
Warnings: Mild BDSM
Summary: Lee Adama insists that frat regs exist for a reason, but Kara is determined to bring Lee out from hiding behind that BS.
Original story:  screaming for more by rirenec
Author's Note: I love giving smut new context.

The bunkroom is blissfully silent when Kara wakes, twenty minutes before reveille. She smiles, relishing the dull soreness of her muscles as she stretches out as much as she can in the cramped space. With a content sigh, she pushes back the curtain and swings her legs over the side of her rack. Her bum knee twinges in protest, but not even that really bothers her this morning.

A quick survey proves that the rest of the pilots are still asleep, and she’s going to nab the first hot shower of the day. She runs a hand through her greasy hair before pushing herself up to stand. Across the way, she notices, Lee’s rack is flawlessly made and empty. Hopefully, he’s not stealing the best of the hot water, she thinks digging her kit out of her locker.

The head is just as quiet as the bunkroom. Kara shimmies her way out of her sweatpants and tugs her sports bra over her head. She turns the water up as hot as she can take it and sighs contently as the spray his her body. She indulges in the shower as long as she can, uses more shampoo than she’d normally allow herself-rationing be damned. She doesn’t even realize she’s whistling as she gets clean until she hears the hatch swing open and catches herself before anyone can hear.

Kara dresses quickly and grabs a cup of coffee-like swill from the mess before the morning briefing.

She’s only half-paying attention to what Lee’s saying throughout the meeting. It’s not like any of it really applies to her since she’s grounded. She’s content to just sit watch him try not to make eye contact with her. He’d probably get a boner in front of the entire squadron if he did. The thought has her fighting back a smile.

Kara tunes out the meeting and plays back the rush of joy and relief watching Lee step out of his Viper after the success of the tylium mission. She remembers pulling him out into the hall and kissing him hard and fast and never wanting to let go of him, and somehow making it back to the bunk room and falling into her rack. Later, slipping back to the party on the hangar deck, it felt like something had finally change. The holding pattern of baggage and regret and fighting to stay apart felt so frakking stupid when they spent their days fighting for their lives.

“Starbuck. I need to speak to you in private,” Lee says when the meeting is over.

She waits until the rest of the pilots had filed out before sauntering up to the podium. Lee keeps his eyes focused on the papers in front of him, even as she speaks. “Well, sir. Got a job for your lame pilot? Because I’ve got a couple of positions that could probably use filling if you need some ideas.”

The silence that follows is not the reaction she’s been expecting. He finally looks up, detached. “Last night can’t happen again.”

Kara’s suckerpunched by the words. “What the frak are you-”

“I’m the CAG, Starbuck. I can’t just go around frakking my pilots.” He stands still and straight and she wants to rip that uniform off him.

Her skin is still flushed-hot with anger as it boiled up inside her, and she can’t figure out who the frak she’s even angry at right now. Him for being a frakking asshole, or herself for being so frakking stupid.

She turns to leave before she slams her fist into his face, but before she can make it out the hatch he’s running after her. “Kara, wait!” At least he’s smart enough not to touch her right now, because she might just frakking explode. “That didn’t come out right. I didn’t mean-”

“No, I get it,” she snaps. “You were drunk. It didn’t mean a thing. Whatever.”

“That’s not what I meant, Kara,” Lee says, his voice almost pleading and it’s enough to make her turn around.

“Then what did you mean, Captain?” she snaps. If he wants to be so damn professional, then frak it, she’ll be ‘professional’.

Lee swallows, shaking his head. “You’re my friend, Kara. I can’t- we- I’m your superior officer, and that means- Look. Frat regs exist for a reason, and-”

His words fail to make any sort of actual point, so she cuts him off. “Then, tell me. Look me in the eyes, and tell me that last night wasn’t the best godsdamn lay of your life, Lee. That you said frak the regs, frak everything, and it didn’t feel great to just let all that bullshit go.”

Lee’s eyes falter, skipping from her eyes to her lips and back again. “We can’t,” is all he says.

“Right.” Kara scoffs and shakes her head and leaves. This time, Lee doesn’t follow her.


It’s the right decision, Lee tells himself. He continues to tell himself this throughout the entire next week. Kara manages to be wherever Lee is not. Again, he tells himself it’s for the better. Time apart means that they can move past… what happened; maybe begin to forget. It isn’t until Lee suddenly finds himself alone in the duty locker with her just after the shift change, that he realizes her absence has been the cause of the heavy ache in his chest for the last few days.

“How’s the security detail at the summit going?” he asks.

Kara doesn’t even turn as she puts her uniform jacket onto a hanger and slides it out of sight. “Just fine, sir.”

Her tone is dull and bored and wrong. He hates this sound. “We’re off duty, you don’t have-”

“You are my superior officer,” she snaps. “You’ve made that perfectly clear.”

The ache in his chest swells. It’s the first time they’ve talked, really talked, since the morning after, and all of it is going wrong. How can he pull off Kara’s insane mission, but he can’t even reach out to her? “That’s not what I meant. I just… Can’t things go back to the way they were before? Before the mission, we were friends.”

“Friends,” she tsks-shakes her head, eyes not quite meeting his. She brushes past him and calls out over her shoulder. “You sure about that?”
That’s when it hit him. Lee has always been so concerned with the repercussions of finally giving in to what he’d wanted-his strongest desire laid open defenseless. He hadn’t stop to consider that she’d done the same, and he’d turned it against her the way he’d feared for himself.

Lee sinks down onto his rack and rakes his hands through his hair, trying to figure out if there is anything he can do to make this right.


Kara leans against the bar, watching as the bartender preps her third drink. The Colonial Day dance has been going on for two hours and she hasn’t seen Lee yet. Bastard. She didn’t trade an ounce of lotion to borrow Ricochet’s dress for the hell of it. No, she wants to see him squirm-she wants Lee to get an eyeful of everything he’s turned down. She figures it is the only time she’s ever gonna get to go to some fancy gig like this, might as well milk it for all it is worth.

The bartender hands her her drink and she thinks she might as well people watch as she does. As she turns, she realizes someone has been watching her-Lee has been watching her. His jaw hangs open stupidly as he takes in her curves all draped in blue. She feels a small spark of satisfaction watching him grope for words.

“So, that bum knee of yours is looking pretty good,” he finally manages to say. “And the other one’s not too bad either.”

She can see the regret and the longing on his face, and suddenly she knows what she wants. She wants him to feel sorry. She wants him to feel just as hurt and humiliated as he made her feel. She knows exactly how she’s going to do it. “Lee, if you want to ask me to dance, just ask.”


Consciousness comes filtering back slowly. Lee’s head is pounding-how much did he drink at that dance?-but when he goes to rub his temples, he can’t move his hands. He tugs once, twice and panic starts to rise in his chest. They’re bound behind him. He blinks hard, trying to clear his vision.

Slowly the details come into focus. He’s in the brig. Frak! What the hell happened last night? He knows he’d been drinking; Kara had goaded him into it. Gods, had he gotten into a fight? He remembers the new Vice President tried to cut in on their dance. He certainly felt like punching him in the face; had he followed through?

Lee’s head thunks back against the bars and a chill runs through him. That’s when the last detail finally hits him.

He’s naked.

His senses flare. The cold bars against his bare back, the gritty floor against his legs, the stale air on his skin-every inch of his body is awake and alive with this newfound knowledge. And he knows exactly who to blame for it.

“Kara!!” He shouts, body thrashing hopelessly against the bindings behind him. He cranes his head, trying to catch of flash of blonde or blue or anything resembling her. “Kara, what the hell is this!? Kara!”

There’s no response. He’s alone.

He’s frakked.

“Kara!!” He chants her name a few more times, before the reality finally sinks in fully. He’s tied up, naked, in the brig.

He really has brought the wrath of Starbuck on him. She had been so… her last night-vibrant and sparking as they moved on the dance floor. He was foolish enough to think that maybe things were finally smoothed over between them. But now he sees just how deep her anger really goes. After everything they’ve been through, she’s never ever sunk to this. He’s hurt her more than he could have imagined.

The hatch squeals, and his heart jumps. What hapless guard is going to walk in on the sight of the CAG sitting in his birthday suit in the brig? Lee’s face is already heating with humiliation.

But as the hatch swings open, there’s no marine standing there-just Kara in her dress grays. Her arms are folded across her chest and she’s got a biting smile on her face. “You called, sir?”

His heart nearly stops at the sight of her and all he wants is to take it back. Take everything back. Despite the look of displeasure on her face, it’s her. It’s always been her. “Kara, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Her arms drop to her sides, her head tilts curiously. She clearly wants to draw this out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t quite hear that.” She strides across the deck and leans on the bars, her hands curling around the metal rods and he remembers the way those hands felt on him. She’s won this little game and he’s a gracious loser.

“I’m sorry, Kara. I was wrong.” He looks up at her, meets her gaze. “I know I hurt you, and I wish I could take it back and-”

“Right,” she says, voice low and bitter. “Go back. Make it so it never happened.” Her hands clench around the bars. His words aren’t reaching her. Words seldom do. She pulls the cell door open, heavy boots hitting the floor as she strides over to him. “Same old Lee.”

“That’s not what I mean,” he rasps. She’s close now. So close. One boot planted between his legs. “I screwed up. I…” his mind races for something to make this right.

“Punish me.”


Punish me.

Kara stares down at Lee as he stares back up at her. Naked, flushed, and almost pleading. She couldn’t have imagined this scenario in her wildest dreams, but she has to admit, she likes the sound of the request. It’ll probably end up just being one more thing he’ll end up regretting in the morning. She needs to make sure.

Kara digs her hand into her pocket and pulls Lee’s dog tags out. She dangles them in front of his face. “You’re not in any position to be giving orders, sir.”

Lee’s eyes never break from hers. “I deserve to be punished.” His words are deep and dark and sincere and desire flares inside her.

She holds his gaze as she crouches down on her haunches. The cold metal of the dog tags brushes against Lee’s abdomen and his hips jump. Desire is apparently flaring in him, too. “And what do you deserve to be punished for?” she drawls.

Her eyes drop to where the muscles of his stomach clench and his groin stirs. “For hurting you,” he says, his voice sharp and clear.

Her eyes flick back to his. She watches his eyes darken with lust as she lets the metal slip lower, following the line of hair down from his navel. “What do you deserve to be punished for?”

Lee’s eyes darken again, this time with confusion, even as his dick stiffens. “For... for saying we couldn’t-”

“What do you deserve to be punished for?” She asks, again.

She winds the metal chain of the dog tags loosely around him. Lee’s eyes flutter as the cold beads wrap around his skin. “For… f-for.. for…” Kara grins, watching the near-panic on Lee’s face-his mind searching for words while his body aches for something stronger-torn completely in two.

Lee’s mouth trips out apologies, different ways of phrasing the exact same thing. He was sorry for trying to take it back. She winds the chain tighter around him, just enough to cause the slightest bit of pain mixed in with the pleasure and then tighter still. She could accept his apology at any given time, but she’s not ready. Not yet. She wants him to remember this.

It isn’t until his chest is heaving, body straining, face flushed red with sweat beading at his brow that he finally manages to say, “For lying.”

This isn’t the phrase Kara’s been waiting for, but the words take her by surprise. She lets the chain drop, her hand going to his face. She cups his chin and forces his eyes to meet hers. “For lying about what?”

His eyes lock onto hers and never waver. “For saying I didn’t love you.”

The last bit of bitterness, knotted tightly in her chest, breaks free with relief. A small smile finds its way across her face as she brushes his hand over her cheek. “Good boy.” The last bit of distance between their faces is closed as she leans in and kisses him hard and deep and every last thrust of her tongue and scrape of her teeth designed to tell him you are mine.

Lee’s hips surge upwards to meet hers, bare skin against the course fabric of her uniform. “Please,” he begs against her lips. “Please, Kara, I need you so godsdamn badly. Please.”

Finally, she takes pity on him. She unzips her pants, pulls off one boot, and kicks off one pants leg. She moves her briefs aside and sinks down over him, smooth and swift, and he’s already crying out beneath her. They move together, fast and hard and Lee’s restrained body thrashes under her.

“Kara, I need to touch you,” he begs. “Please! Gods. I need… so much. I need you.”

“Not yet,” she says. She rides him harder and faster, her own pleasure building inside her as he continues to plead, her name in his voice driving her higher and finally over the edge.

Lee all but whimpers with need, as Kara slumps against his chest. Somehow, she manages to make her arms move despite the heavy thoroughly-frakked pleasure sinking in. She pulls the key to Lee’s cuffs from her pocket and releases his hands.

Within seconds the strong, calloused skin is caressing her sides, sliding under her jacket, gripping her hips as Lee thrusts up into her, frantic and desperate and screaming her name in release.

Kara presses her hands to his chest, feeling his heart pounding, his breath slowing. His hands wind around her waist and holds her close and he presses his face into her hair. “Thank you,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her temple.

Kara sighs contently and tilts her face up and kisses him. “Lee,” she says, some strange incongruity finally popping into her mind. “You never said you didn’t love me.”

Lee smiles and it goes straight to her heart. “No. But a lie by omission is still a lie.”
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