Sign-ups for Round 23 are open! This is an actor round! (Our first, let's see how it goes!)
Please read these rules as well as the
community information before signing up:
1. You must be a member (or have requested membership) and have read the rules first.
2. Each actor may be claimed twice.
3. Sign-ups close on the 31st. The themes will go up on the 1st, and icons will be due on Sept. 20th.
Username:Actor: LJ USER
dramaturgcaJamie Bamber
karate0katKatee Sackhoff
skieswideopenTricia Helfer
sci_fi_shipperJamie Bamber
ligeresJames Callis
icy_imaginaryMark Sheppard
rayruzMary McDonnell
And finally, please remember to vote on Round 22:
Theme |
Category |
Artist's Choice