Sep 21, 2013 00:27
shut up kristy,
zombies would starve in stoneybrook,
mal must suffer,
#80 mallory pike #1 fan,
mal's masterplans,
stoneybrook lacks empathy,
pike family madness,
mallory is annoying,
mallory: completely delusional?,
ann hates mal,
parody of itself,
passive aggressive,
plot-advancing epiphany,
unwarranted self-importance,
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Comments 10
I know people read at different paces, but “less than an hour” for an eleven-year-old bookworm to read one chapter in a middle grade novel?--Maybe it took so long because she was bitching about it to herself? "LIES! ALL LIES!" after literally every fucking sentence. "Okay, let me calm back down and keep reading! Nope. Look at all these LIES!"
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