Part One: Previously on BSC visits the Jersey Shore Claudia learned how to count in summer school, Mary Anne and Dawn convinced some kids to attend day camp in their back yard, and the girls all shared a tearful goodbye when Jessi, Mallory, and Stacey left for Sea City a whole week before the others.
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Comments 15
From the sounds of it, Kristy was only asking the KIDS, not their parents...what if some kid turned out to be super, and was all into joining the team, and then it turned out Mom or Dad put the kibosh on it? Did Genius Kristy not consider that? Then of course, there's the possibility of some parent looking outside their window, seeing a strange teenager playing with their six-year-old and being Quite Alarmed. But, I'm sure that didn't happen in BSC Land.
Jessi ponders what to do, if she can think of some polite way to talk the girls out of entering, or let them do it knowing they won't win and how crushed they will be afterwards.
Weren't there different CATEGORIES in the contest?? Certainly no one would expect an eigh-year-old to compete with an adult...or even a teenager...
I wouldn't see that as forefitting though so I don't know why Bart thought that and would have liked them to just reschedule as well.
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